Ok advice please,
Taz is nearly a year old now & he has a friend that comes visiting, who also looks quite young, i've named his friend Tigger for want of a better name. Now Tigger supposedly has a home somewhere, as far as I can tell he's never in it tho, always out, rain, wind or shine. So he spends a lot of time with us.
Now both Taz n Tigger play constantly when they're inside, it's like they're wrestling apart from when Taz, gets fed up & starts whining 'cos he's a soft mummy's boy. Is this behaviour just playing or is it some sort of mysterious cat ranking thing. As I suspect Tigger thinks he's moved in. I have Tasha as well now she's the boss when in comes to other cats & Tigger's bright enough not to go near her, lol. All advice gratefully recieved, thanks, Sue