After a good few weeks, he's done it again. I can't say I blame the poor lad after all the disruption he's had this past week with the flooding and subsequent "flood" of people coming in and out of the flat. I was a bit puzzled by the timing though. On Saturday night he had had his supper, I had done the hot water bottles etc., given them their bedtime treat and all that remained was for me to go to the loo, shut the bathroom door and get into bed. Whilst I was in the bathroom, I heard the unmistakeable sound of him spraying. He had sprayed the inside of the front door. I was puzzled because he'd been relaxed and purry all day and had spent the evening snoozing beside me on the sofa. I'm not sure what prompted him to do it then when he'd been fed and we were all about to go to bed. Then last night a little earlier (after his supper but before I'd done the bottles and given him his bedtime treat) he looked as though he was about to do the same but I managed to stop him in time. He was standing with his rear to the door, tail in the air and looked as though he was ready for action. I felt the wall and door but it's damp there from the flood anyway, so I'm not sure whether he got anything out then or not.
Given how smelly and damp it is in the hallway, plus the people traipsing in and out, I suppose it's surprising he hasn't done this sooner but it is a bit of a blow as he's gone a while without doing it and coped last week brilliantly. I think it is definitely marking rather than urinating on this occasion and he is still using the litter tray normally. It wasn't very easy to clean as, although there wasn't much, because there is no carpet down in the hall, it had gone under the door. I could clean the other side of the door, but there's not enough room under the door to get my hand and the carpet gripper is there too. So I couldn't clean the under side of the door very well. Plus, someone was cleaning the corridor outside yesterday and it stank of bleach which would not have helped. I've sprayed feliway but I think it may be over powered by the damp, musty smell in the corridor (plus the bleach from outside).