Came home Tuesday night and my OH had been handed a kitten by someone he knows, apparantly 8 weeks old, they took it from someone who wanted rid and as we had a cat thought we would look after it (which we will). This kitty is tiny, when we got Fi she was much much bigger than this little one, i would say she is more like 6 weeks, she is very happy and playful and interested in everything and wants to sleep on you a lot.
She won't eat unless I am with her though, I have to put her in front of her bowl and she will then eat if i sit with her, when we were both out at work yesterday she didn't eat at all but as soon as i came in i put her in front of the food and she ate like a pig while I was there.
When i got up this morning she had done a horrible orange runny poo, I have a vets appointment later but in the meantime can anyone tell me if this is normal for a young kitten or what could this mean?