This is our latest baby who is 14 years old. Suzy Q was put into a cattery when her owner had to go into hospital. Unfortunately, she was transferred to a nursing home and poor Suzy was left in the cattery. After some months the cattery owner died very suddenly and unexpectedly so poor Suzy, who by this time was living in the cattery's porch, was homeless again. We are still trying to locate the original owner or her next of kin (the paperwork at the cattery is a bit at sixes and sevens, glad mine's not like that
) but in the meantime, Suzy Q has come to stay with us and will remain here for the rest of her days unless we can find her a lovely new home.
She is in fairly good shape but has a flea allergy for which she is being treated. (Don't you just love flea allergies??!)