Hi all, my boy Barney has a bald patch between his front shoulder blades, it just started to appear over a a few days back in November, been to the vets a couple of times and was prescribed Surolan. He cannot reach the spot to groom it and I'm not sure what has caused it. But it is the normal area where I would zap him with Advocate although this was last done back in September. Theres no redness or scarring just what looks like normal healthy tissue, he will be 3 May 17th it's between 11/2 to 2inches in diameter. I think it annoys me more than it annoys him. Is this common in cats? None of the others seem to have any problems he eats healthy and drinks plenty. Vet didn't seem to know the cause, just wondering if once bald patch has arrived will the hair eventually grow back?
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