and you wouldn't have it any other way..........................
As an aside Gill, could you please pass on message to Misa for me please.
This is auntie Rosie my dearest gorgeous lovely boy and you know how much I love and treasure every little bit of fur and whisker on that stunning frame of yours . Thing is my angel, your ma said you tried to stop Ducha coming in thru flap a few nights back and I been worrying about your little 3 legged house mate and would consider it a great purrsonal favour if you would cut out that particular little habit? If you don't want to hug and squeeze the little lad, OK but you could perhaps just ignore him and let him come and go as he pleases? It is his home too don't you know and it can't be that easy negotiating a flap on 3 pins? Knew you'd understand honey
Afraid Misa has closed his lovely ears and hates Ducha with a passion. He has since they first met and think he does not recognize as a proper cat cos of the 3 legs. I dont see what difference it makes to Misa but it always has.
Sasa also hates the birmans and Franta will sit in hall wanting to go upstairs ands Sasa will sit near the stairs ands they are both too scared to pass each other. Now I cajn understand her more than Misa cos Ducha did go for her throat when he was new but cant remember anytyhing but Misa being chased downstairs by Ducha..........sigh./
He is the smallest cat in the house and all this problem lol. He hardly ever comes down stairs and dont like top cat Misa going for him.
mary you would cos this afternoon I was trying to do stuff on new lappy and Franta was having a fight with it so he could get on my knee........No didnt work at all and he was gripping so I couldnt move him and in the end he got his head on my knee and was rubbing fur into the side of the lappy.......all the bloomin connections are on the sides grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Once lappy was gone he resumed his place on top of me and then proceeded to come and go every 5-10 mins so I had to keep moving, he even came and woke me up after I had dozed off and it had gone dark............I need my sleep
I cant use my office desk at all cos Misa sleeps on it and I would dearly like to have the 2 putas close together so I can try stuff on the lappy that peeps have posted and then re[ply butttt nooooooooo not allowed to do that!
I love them all dearly, Misa the big boywho is following me around like a sheep, Sasa the untouchable who likes to be in the same room, Franta Napoleon who just wants to cuddle and Mr Ducha who plays in my hair at night and shoves me off the pillow