To survive while she's weeing everywhere, pop in to Boots and get some of those flat square pads - they're the same as puppy pads but marketed for bedwetters. Just so you're not left ankle-deep while you wait to get some cat attract!
Assume you've already done the extra litter tray (or two) thing, a few people on here havecats who'll only wee in one and poo in another...
Good luck!
Yep, I have got the two covered trays, (figured out they have to be covered and that she will use one for wee and one for poo!) and the pads are under the radiator where she lieks to spray.
She will use the trays if shut in the cat room but still will pee at the top of the stairs if not locked in the cat room, so supervised walks are essential. I got some of the Nice n' Tidy stuff that I have had success with beofre and it does not seem to work on her, so will need to irder cat attract to see if that does the trick. Also feliway and Zyklene on the go and dired food in certain spots. I feel that there has been some improvment, but it will be a long haul with her.