Author Topic: Open Wide!!!  (Read 1998 times)

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: Open Wide!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2010, 22:19:28 PM »
We need more chicken wings, we are completely out of stock! :-[ Only adopted Noah a few months ago but thought his teeth looked pretty brown at his check-up, and vet said he is older than three as his gums are receding.
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
Lulu's Catbook

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Re: Open Wide!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2010, 21:38:16 PM »
Plaque off only works in conjunction with brushing and/or chewing. So if they don't get their teeth into something it won't be effective. I asked the Plaque off people about it the other year at Crufts (as they were handing out free toothbrushes with each purchase).

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lay me down take it slow I'm ready to stumble, sing & then swing low
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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Open Wide!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2010, 21:26:05 PM »
Raw chicken wings or other similar size raw bones, if they eat these they wont have tartar left  ;D

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Open Wide!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2010, 21:23:56 PM »
It's hard to say if the plaque off has worked, as who knows what their teeth would be like if I hadn't been using it? It is relatively inexpensive though so I am happy to use it in the hope that it will help keep their teeth healthy. The vet mentioned his teeth at yr 1 but when I asked how his teeth were at yr 2 he said they were fine. It was a different vet though so could be subjective.

Offline butterfly32b

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Re: Open Wide!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2010, 21:18:31 PM »
love the pic, we had the older one (4 at the time) done last year since she had a build up of tartar, since then, have been making sure her teeth get brushed at least 3-4 times a week, seems to be helping.  Kitten's adult teeth are still coming through then I can start brushing his as well with the logic gel.


Does the plague off make a difference?

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Open Wide!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 21:12:39 PM »


My intention was to get my kittens used to having their teeth brushed from a young age but it just wouldn't work for me as they really weren't happy with the extra level of personal hygiene I was trying to impose on them!

I use plaque off and logic gel (just on the food, not brushed in). They're still youngsters (3 later this month) so don't really have an issue with their teeth yet, although the vet did say that Lu had quite a lot of tartar for his age at his 1yr check up - it was then that I started logic gel and plaque off and it wasn't mentioned at year 2, year 3 is yet to come so we'll see...

You said you feed raw, have you tried raw chicken wings as they are supposed to be good for the teeth. My boys looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to give them one though  :evillaugh:

Offline butterfly32b

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Open Wide!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2010, 20:57:59 PM »
okay, does anyone brush the teeth of their cats apart from me?  The annoying thing I come head to head with is why are there so many products out there for K9 canines and limited as well as ineffective not very well thought of brushes out there for kitty's canines.  I have tried finger tooth brushing (waste of time, even vet said so!), child's toothbrush (again waste of time), virbec (was ok but you have to get the whole pack to get a replacement as the brush doesn't last that long) and now the one with dual end, one for K9 and the other for kitty- only problem is can be a little intrusive and awkward due to size.  I know there were CET cat chews once in UK but they were taken off the market, not too sure about the plaque off, didn't really notice much effect and even though I feed raw, doesn't stop the tartar.  So if vets persistently go on about taking care of kitty's mouth, why hasn't some one come up with anything specific to cater for them... over to you guys, would love to hear


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