Author Topic: Chance to win a water colour of your pet !  (Read 6032 times)

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet !
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2010, 21:55:02 PM »

Will try get a nice pic of my Ollie on his own and have another entry or two he he


I'm just gutted I can't enter my two!

Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet !
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2010, 21:40:01 PM »
Nice to help out. Emailed my pic. Hope u like it

Will try get a nice pic of my Ollie on his own and have another entry or two he he
Zoe, Ollie and Tyler

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet !
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2010, 19:46:14 PM »
Thanks Zoe, you people truly are amazing and have lifted my mood no end.

Atlast we have a competition!

Kimberley xx

Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet !
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2010, 18:38:50 PM »
Thats me just done my entry on ebay. cant wait to send my pic off

Zoe, Ollie and Tyler

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet !
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2010, 18:35:22 PM »
There's a gorgeous dog in the competition now too...  :wow: There's must be some Purrs dogs and cats that could give them a run for their money  ;D

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet !
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2010, 16:32:18 PM »
Just wanted to say that the ebay best pet photo competition has finally got off off the ground with some absolutely gorgeous feline entrants  :Luv: check them out here Think your pet could do better? Then you know what to do .......  ;)

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet !
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2010, 09:49:34 AM »
Hey guys, just a quick update for you...

I now have the greyhound awareness league (based in Glasgow) on board and they will receive 50% of any money raised through the competition. I know it isn't a cat charity but it is close to where the artist donating his time/ work for free is based so it seems fitting.

Thanks once again to those who bolstered me on a particularly bad yesterday!

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2010, 21:59:48 PM »
I have followed your advice to the letter Helen and amended the link at the start of this thread  :)

Hope you get lots of 'passing trade' :hug:  Did you message the person who bought a chance to let him/her know that their entry still counts.

Don't forget to change the link anywhere else you have it advertised ie facebook. If you put any ads on the online freeads I'm not sure they'll allow you to have ebay links so you could just put the item number :luck:

I just need to pick my photos now ready for my entries on pay day  ;D

I got my pic already chosen for my entry picked lol
Thanks guys. I've sent my single entrant a message lol I'll change the link on FB now  :gpoint:

Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2010, 21:53:47 PM »
I got my pic already chosen for my entry picked lol

Roll on payday
Zoe, Ollie and Tyler

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2010, 21:48:18 PM »
I have followed your advice to the letter Helen and amended the link at the start of this thread  :)

Hope you get lots of 'passing trade' :hug:  Did you message the person who bought a chance to let him/her know that their entry still counts.

Don't forget to change the link anywhere else you have it advertised ie facebook. If you put any ads on the online freeads I'm not sure they'll allow you to have ebay links so you could just put the item number :luck:

I just need to pick my photos now ready for my entries on pay day  ;D

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2010, 21:41:49 PM »
Also, might be worth amending the title of the auction to include the word 'painting' and 'portrait' as the words in the title aren't very 'searchable' if you see what I mean - if you had the keywords in the title you could end up getting entries from people looking to buy a pet portrait/painting and decide to have a shot at winning it.  No point in adding those words in the subtitle as they aren't part of the search results.

It won't let me amend the title of the listing now an item has sold/ donation been made. I can only add text on the bottom. Today really isn't my day!

Re: the title of the auction, is it worth ending the listing early and starting again? Although the title fully explains what it is I don't think anyone would come across it by searching as it doesn't have the key words that they would search for. How about Dog/Cat/Pet portrait - watercolour painting of your pet and then the subtitle could be Win a portrait - £2 entry fee goes to animal rescue. This way people will search for 'pet portrait' etc and will come across your auction and may decide to have a go.

I would also list it in the correct section, if someone is searching for a pet portrait they won't be looking in Everything else>other. I don't mean to be critical but ebay is massive so you could get lots of entries from people who have no connection with you and just come across the auction  :hug:

Re: the local paper, rather than an advert I meant tell them you are fundraising for a local pet rescue and would they be interested in doing a small article. You could also put an ad in the online freeads.

As Zoe says this is the longest month on record as most people got paid early and then have to make it last so hopefully after payday things will pick up. I've set a reminder in my phone  :hug:

I have followed your advice to the letter Helen and amended the link at the start of this thread  :)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 21:43:49 PM by Baby British »

Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2010, 21:09:07 PM »
I have set a reminder to, Just need to wait til payday been a very very long month
Zoe, Ollie and Tyler

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2010, 21:01:27 PM »
Also, might be worth amending the title of the auction to include the word 'painting' and 'portrait' as the words in the title aren't very 'searchable' if you see what I mean - if you had the keywords in the title you could end up getting entries from people looking to buy a pet portrait/painting and decide to have a shot at winning it.  No point in adding those words in the subtitle as they aren't part of the search results.

It won't let me amend the title of the listing now an item has sold/ donation been made. I can only add text on the bottom. Today really isn't my day!

Re: the title of the auction, is it worth ending the listing early and starting again? Although the title fully explains what it is I don't think anyone would come across it by searching as it doesn't have the key words that they would search for. How about Dog/Cat/Pet portrait - watercolour painting of your pet and then the subtitle could be Win a portrait - £2 entry fee goes to animal rescue. This way people will search for 'pet portrait' etc and will come across your auction and may decide to have a go.

I would also list it in the correct section, if someone is searching for a pet portrait they won't be looking in Everything else>other. I don't mean to be critical but ebay is massive so you could get lots of entries from people who have no connection with you and just come across the auction  :hug:

Re: the local paper, rather than an advert I meant tell them you are fundraising for a local pet rescue and would they be interested in doing a small article. You could also put an ad in the online freeads.

As Zoe says this is the longest month on record as most people got paid early and then have to make it last so hopefully after payday things will pick up. I've set a reminder in my phone  :hug:

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2010, 20:58:06 PM »
You may find that once people paid you will get more donations. I know myself i totally skint as not been paid for 6 weeks and get paid at end of month. its ptob been a long pay day wait because of christmas and stuff

Yeah I could be jumping the gun in the panic stakes a little. Still if there is a charity out there that thinks we could help each other then please get in touch.

Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2010, 20:47:50 PM »
You may find that once people paid you will get more donations. I know myself i totally skint as not been paid for 6 weeks and get paid at end of month. its ptob been a long pay day wait because of christmas and stuff
Zoe, Ollie and Tyler

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2010, 20:45:05 PM »
Also, might be worth amending the title of the auction to include the word 'painting' and 'portrait' as the words in the title aren't very 'searchable' if you see what I mean - if you had the keywords in the title you could end up getting entries from people looking to buy a pet portrait/painting and decide to have a shot at winning it.  No point in adding those words in the subtitle as they aren't part of the search results.

It won't let me amend the title of the listing now an item has sold/ donation been made. I can only add text on the bottom. Today really isn't my day!

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2010, 20:39:18 PM »
Also, might be worth amending the title of the auction to include the word 'painting' and 'portrait' as the words in the title aren't very 'searchable' if you see what I mean - if you had the keywords in the title you could end up getting entries from people looking to buy a pet portrait/painting and decide to have a shot at winning it.  No point in adding those words in the subtitle as they aren't part of the search results.

I will have a go!

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2010, 20:37:34 PM »
I think it's a lovely thing you're doing  :hug: The non-registered charity thing doesn't worry me, probably as there are several rescues on Purrs that don't have official charity status and I know what great work they do.

I was going to have a few entries but need to wait til payday - it really has been a tight month!

Are you on facebook? Could you put a link on there as I know it's very popular nowadays (I'm resisting joining!). How about an email sent on the work intranet if you or your OH have one? You could ask the local paper to do a small article too.

Thanks Helen. I have done the whole facebook thing. My OH is going to do an announcement to all of his facebook friends (apparently he has more than me lol) so hopefully that might make a difference. I am sure that the paper here charges for adverts and I'm trying to keep costs down especially seen as it isn't guaranteed that people would respond to the ad.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2010, 20:35:43 PM »
Also, might be worth amending the title of the auction to include the word 'painting' and 'portrait' as the words in the title aren't very 'searchable' if you see what I mean - if you had the keywords in the title you could end up getting entries from people looking to buy a pet portrait/painting and decide to have a shot at winning it.  No point in adding those words in the subtitle as they aren't part of the search results.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 20:36:56 PM by Tiggy's Mum - Helen »

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2010, 20:25:36 PM »
I think it's a lovely thing you're doing  :hug: The non-registered charity thing doesn't worry me, probably as there are several rescues on Purrs that don't have official charity status and I know what great work they do.

I was going to have a few entries but need to wait til payday - it really has been a tight month!

Are you on facebook? Could you put a link on there as I know it's very popular nowadays (I'm resisting joining!). How about an email sent on the work intranet if you or your OH have one? You could ask the local paper to do a small article too.

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - calling all charities!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2010, 20:14:08 PM »
OK guys I am really struggling with this. I think the problem is that the friend I am deperately trying to raise funds for isn't a registered charity and people like to know where there money is going. I fully understand this but it's frustrating for me who just so wants to help out in some way  :'(  To date one donation has been made on ebay and this wouldn't be enough to pay for the listing let alone go toward providing a rescue animal with a better life. I'll be gutted if I am forced to cancel the listing as the artist that I have on board is a top bloke who has offered his artistic skills up for free to help the cause - normally he'd charge £100 for what is on offer as the prize.

I know that there are numerous cat charities operating on this site and I just wondered if anyone would be willing to add their charity to the cause for 50% of whatever is made. I'm hoping that having a registered charity on board might bolster the entry rate a little (it'd struggle to get much worse!) and obviously with my 2 fluff balls cats are cause close to my heart. I feel a bit bad shamelessly plugging a cause not necessarily for cats on a cat forum website ( I have pm'd Tan and am just awaiting a reply) so again this move would make sense. If a cat charity were to get involved I don't know how it'd stand with maybe taking entries through purrs though I'd of couse ask first.

Any help would be much appreciated as I appear to be clutching at decidedly thin straws :(


Kimberley x

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - in aid of a great cause!
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2010, 06:46:14 AM »
As it is for charity it is probably ok but the best thing to do would be to just pm Tan in case she wants to check it out  :hug:
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Baby British

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - in aid of a great cause!
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2010, 20:05:50 PM »
I know I'm probably pushing my luck here but I just wanted to give this thread a quick boost incase anyone missed it last night  ;)

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Chance to win a water colour of your pet - in aid of a great cause!
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2010, 21:37:15 PM »
I'm not 100% sure if it's allowed, but it is for charity so I'll let someone else notice it and check..... ;)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Baby British

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Chance to win a water colour of your pet !
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2010, 21:33:04 PM »
Right, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this on here so apologies in advance if not  :-[

I just wanted to bring attention to this ebay listing that I have created in support of a friend of mine and the wonderful work she carries out with rescue animals - dogs in particular.

This person is a volunteer rescue worker and last year helped to rehome my Labrador pup after I struggled to cope with his pushy behavior. She really is selfless in her efforts to do good by the animals she encounters and I am deperate to help in return.

For a £2 donation you will receive an email address where you can submit your best animal photographs. The listing includes a link where you can view all of the entries. Artist Stewart Soutar will select the best photo at the end of the listing and re create it in water colour. He has agreed to do this free of charge so more money can go where it counts. This prize is worth £100! Any type of pet can be entered - fur or feathers, anything goes!

Please just take a peek and any entries would be more than welcome.

Thanks in advance

Kimberley x
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 09:44:41 AM by Baby British »


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