Well when we just had tiggy and pippin they used to sleep in the bedroom with us if they wanted too but since having 4 furbabes sadly to say they have been shut out

They all have naughty habbits and i am a extremly light sleeper and was spending most of the night awake as i swear they all gang up on me and see who can keep me awake the longest!

they never harrass Oh
Tiggy paws at your eyes whilst your asleep and if you don't give her attention she gets her claws out

Pippin licks ANY bare skin youve got
Sooty just harrases you all night by giving you headrubs then when you ignore him he bites your chin!

and patch is a little angel and just curles up between me and Oh
They are now totally used to this and only sooty starts crying at the door if i ignore my alarm at 6 and at weekends when i don't get up so earl to feed him,
On odd weekends they do come in and i have no problem when i shut them back out again