to Purrs.
We do not allow advertising on Purrs without the owners consent and should advise you that you really just duplicating what is being done by Cat Chat, our sister site who are a registered charity.
I see that your site is empty of cats right now and as there are many problems out there on the web with sites doing something similiar we would want to know how you were going to check any so-called rehoming centres and people advertizing cats.
We have had two cats go missing , one murdered and the other possibly the same from using one of these sites where they said they checked everything, so right now you are stepping into a very sentsitive area.
Its one thing setting up a site but what do you know about the animals and their care and sorry to mention this, but being so young I dont think you can have much experience in rescue.
I am removing your link and should you want to take this up with the site owner, she is called Tan and you can pm her.