Author Topic: Cat product questions....  (Read 6900 times)

Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2009, 09:04:32 AM »
just loves to see me getting up and down, my voice getting increasingly loud as I shout "Mosi get DOWN".  I can see the amusement in his eyes  :shify:

Time for Helen to post her video where she is asking Riley to get down from th kitchen counter  :evillaugh:

Ah but you see in that video she's asking far too nicely and at least Riley just sits there ignoring her. If were up and telling Dave to move he'll get down but the second buttock hits sofa he's back up there! Oh I'd forgotten his other thing, sometimes when I tell him to get down he'll do a little circuit of the counters before admitting defeat and getting down :evillaugh: That's usually when I want to cook but he wants to eat whatever it is I'm cooking :evillaugh:

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2009, 08:55:07 AM »
just loves to see me getting up and down, my voice getting increasingly loud as I shout "Mosi get DOWN".  I can see the amusement in his eyes  :shify:

Time for Helen to post her video where she is asking Riley to get down from th kitchen counter  :evillaugh:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2009, 08:40:51 AM »
Dave is a hooligan of the highest order and ignores me completely unless I physically move to tell him off and I'm sure he just loves watches me hopping up and down so I have all but given up.

Dave and Mosi are peas from a the same pod!  Mosi just loves to see me getting up and down, my voice getting increasingly loud as I shout "Mosi get DOWN".  I can see the amusement in his eyes  :shify:

Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2009, 09:22:12 AM »
1) What do you use to keep your cats from getting to something they are not allowed to go on or near? For example, if you do not allow them on the counter, how do you stop them?

2) Scratching... Do you trim their claws? Use Soft Claws nail caps?

3) Do you have an older cat? If so, do you use anything to help them with arthritis? If so what? Also, have you ever used a heated mat or bed for them?

4) What kind of cat litters do they have in the UK and what do you use? Why do you prefer it?

5) Lastly,food. I am sure there are many many food differences form there and here. Are any of your cats on a vet prescription diet? If so, for what condition and what is the food? How about a special diet you put them on?

6) What are your thoughts on canned vs moist vs dry foods?

7) Any thoughts on the issue of grain free?

1) It is futile to attempt to stop my two going somewhere I'd rather they didn't. Chilli isn't so bad but Dave is a hooligan of the highest order and ignores me completely unless I physically move to tell him off and I'm sure he just loves watches me hopping up and down so I have all but given up. The only place I'd rather they didn't go is all over the worktops but it's not that big a deal.

2) I live in a rented flat which is furnished and Dave in particular (told you he's a hooligan) likes to scratch the faux leather sofa and chairs. I have reduced it significantly by having two cat trees, a scratching post and sticky strips on the favourite spots. Luckily I have a landlord who isn't likely to notice or care about the little bit of nicked furniture. I hate the very thought of soft claws and think my two would not take to them at all. They're cats, they scratch, I knew that when I got them.

3) My two are still very young, one and two, so no arthritis yet!

4) I used to use a clay litter but switched to Cats Best some time ago and have never looked back. It's very economical, odour control is amazing which is a big factor living in a relatively small flat and it's nice and light which when you live on your own with no car makes a huge difference!

5) At the moment I feed what I can afford due to being unemployed despite my best efforts not to be :tired: So at the moment they are on Royal Canin Indoor which they adore and they get as high a quality wet food as I can afford once a day too. They then also have the odd bit of raw meat, usually chicken and the odd bit of fish too. As long as they are happy and healthy that's all that matters, I do what I can at the moment and they are young enough to handle it. I have to say though, since changing from JWB back to Royal Canin, litter tray deposits are a lot less smelly! In future the aim is to have them on a predominantly wet diet but they are good drinkers so not a big concern for me as long as they get some wet in their day.

I'm not really the best to comment on grain free as I ahve a brain like a sieve and despite it being discussed many times on here I'm still a bit stupid to the ideals of cat nutrition. My two did like Orijen when they've had it before so it would be nice to put them back on it at some stage.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2009, 08:40:46 AM »
1) What do you use to keep your cats from getting to something they are not allowed to go on or near? For example, if you do not allow them on the counter, how do you stop them?

2) Scratching... Do you trim their claws? Use Soft Claws nail caps?

3) Do you have an older cat? If so, do you use anything to help them with arthritis? If so what? Also, have you ever used a heated mat or bed for them?

4) What kind of cat litters do they have in the UK and what do you use? Why do you prefer it?

5) Lastly,food. I am sure there are many many food differences form there and here. Are any of your cats on a vet prescription diet? If so, for what condition and what is the food? How about a special diet you put them on?

6) What are your thoughts on canned vs moist vs dry foods?

7) Any thoughts on the issue of grain free?

Ta for the numbering, Chritine  ;D

1)I gave up stopping Mosi going anywhere long ago.  He just ignores me.  I don't have much available counter space and as long as he isn't up there when I'm preparing food I don't mind him going there.  He mainly goes on there to access the eye level grill on the cooker as he likes to lie there.

2)  Lots of scratching posts.  they scratch the carpet a bit but nothing else really.

3) Jaffa is 12 but he doesn't have arthitis.  He does have a hot water bottle every night though  ;D

4)  I use clumping and have recently changed from clay to paper (oko cats best).  don't like the oko much though so am going to try worlds best next which is made from corn.  I wouldn't use anything other than clumping as it's so easy to scoop twice a day and just clean out the whole tray about once a month.

5)  I prefer wet food.  Jaffa gets all wet but I do give Mosi a bit of dry as he's young.  I try to choose good quality, pref grain free, dry foods.  Usually Orijen but sometimes Applaws and Hi Life dry if I'm pushed because it's cheap at quality save!

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2009, 01:23:39 AM »
What do you use to keep your cats from getting to something they are not allowed to go on or near?
Noah is practically the perfect cat and rarely goes on the worktops! I say 'NO' in stern voice and he gets right down but I wouldn't stress too much if he went up more often.

Scratching... Do you trim their claws? Use Soft Claws nail caps?
Noah is so well behaved! He has two cardboard scratching boxes that he uses regularly and will eventually have a cat tree.  A couple of times he has tried to scratch where he shouldn't but I am pretty sure it has been an attention seeking thing. Again I use 'NO' but scratching is part of having cats and nothing is irreplacable (except him :Luv: ). He will soon need to go to the vet for a general check up and to have his claws trimmed so they don't catch on everything.

What kind of cat litters do they have in the UK and what do you use? Why do you prefer it?
I am another OkoPlus fan barring the tracking. I won't use clay for environmental reasons and concerns about risks to the cat, and it's flushable which is a bonus in a flat! OkoPlus also suits Noah's paws which are sensitive as he had very severe pododermatitis as a stray.

What are your thoughts on canned vs moist vs dry foods?
I feed a mix of high meat content tinned, high quality dry and raw - Noah will eat pretty much anything (meaty) but only purrs for the raw or prawns or if he is starving. He is a good drinker regardless of whether he is fed wet or dry, so I am not too concerned about his kidneys. He also eats everything the minute I serve so no worried about fly eggs in food, which I had with previous cats.  :sick:

Any thoughts on the issue of grain free?
When I adopted Noah he was on JWB dry and Felix wet, he went to the litter tray three times a day and was capable of stinking the flat out! This changed overnight as I changed his food: when he has all raw or high meat/ low grain dry with canned he 'goes' once a day and it doesn't smell at all. Once I gave Noah a free sample of a rice based dry food for a couple of days and the stink and quantity returned with avengeance! :sick: This to me is a sign of a stressed digestive system.
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2009, 23:12:04 PM »
1) The cats go where they like - there are no boundaries here LOL!

2)Trim their claws, yes - wouldnt dream of using Soft Claws

3)Yes I have older cats, but they don't seem to suffer with arthritis

4) I use Cats Best a wood based clumping, it good for odours and its light - tracks like hell though  :evillaugh:

5) Wouldnt touch a prescription diet with a bargepole! I feed wet (tins/cartons) - mostly grain free, and raw, very little dry (just as a snack)

Offline CoolCyberCats

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2009, 20:48:51 PM »
After I had put Hamlet on it, about 4 weeks later there was a marked difference. Same for Calliope. For me, that was all I needed.

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Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2009, 20:23:29 PM »
we use Cosequin. I love the stuff.

We use Cosequin daily too, but I'm not sure it's not just superstition on my part and a total waste of money: I haven't found any peer-reviewed papers showing definitive results.  I may have missed them of course.
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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2009, 20:17:13 PM »
Hi Christine,
Interesting. I had not thought of that application of it before in a senior cat. :) In the past when we has older cats with arthritis and also for Andromeda for her hips now, we use Cosequin. I love the stuff.

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Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2009, 20:09:37 PM »
One qustion, lactilose for arthritis?? We use it here to help Leo poop. Is it generally used in the UK with senior cats and arthritis? That would be new to me.

If a cat has a stiff back or hindquarters, like Blip, lactulose makes defecation easier as the squatting time is significantly reduced.  Saves her a lot of discomfort and also indignity (as I don't have to clean her backside).  It also reduces anal gland impaction.

PS I have noted that you're in Montana, in the USA.  Beautiful countryside you have there. ;)
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Offline Claire_smc

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2009, 20:01:15 PM »
Well I assumed that it was because Pepsi didn't like pooping in a tray that had already been peed in as she'd only go on the floor when the tray was soiled and never when it was clean, so I bought her a second litter tray so she could use one for solids and one for passing liquid, but now she just pees in both and still occassionally poops on the floor  >:( So I either need to move the trays further apart (nowhere to put the other one!) or make sure I'm vigilant in scooping the pee out and making sure one tray is always clean (although obviously not easy when I'm at work or in bed)! There's quite a big area of the kitchen floor that I've found poop on before though, so unless I want to cover half of my kitchen with newspaper or training pads, it's not a practical solution  :evillaugh:
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 20:02:59 PM by Claire_smc »

'I love my cats because I love my home, and after a while they become its visible soul'

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2009, 19:59:04 PM »

You ask a lot of questions  ;) and I see that you have a website that you'd like us to visit.  Are these facts connected?

Nope, the questions are mine. Remember I am in the USA. I see there are big mindset differences between here and there with cats. I am trying to get an idea of what they are. :)

One qustion, lactilose for arthritis?? We use it here to help Leo poop. Is it generally used in the UK with senior cats and arthritis? That would be new to me.

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2009, 19:54:58 PM »
Hi Claire_smc,
I know someone who uses the Soft Claws on his Bengals and says they're brilliant, although it looks like they've got painted nails  :evillaugh:
Yes, they can look like painted nails. Our cat Nova playing with a toy...

Plus I scoop the poop out as soon as she does it (she has a little problem and poos on the floor sometimes  :sick:) so it doesn't smell as it's not in the tray for long enough
Leo has a problem with pooping and will go just out side of the box most of the time. I have taken to using a puppy pad in front of the ox (sticks out a foot or 2) and when he misses, I just bunch it up and toss it. :)

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2009, 19:51:31 PM »

What are the health risks you mention? I mostly use that, but of course the main supply in the world is only a state away and it is pretty cheap. I tried paper litter once, but the cats did not like it and I thought it stunk when wet. Corn based litter? Orion thought it was a picnic. Other litters were too large and bother Leo's feet (he is declawed, not by me).

This is just one of many sites. Quite scary stuff. Especially for litter eaters  :scared:

Even if they don't eat the litter, they must breathe a small amount in when they are covering the it?

As someone who has lost 2 family members to asbestosis and another that died from Pleurosy due to breathing in hairs over the years as a barber, I know these things are real.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 20:12:43 PM by Mark »

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2009, 19:49:03 PM »
They were from Ethan Allen (They opened one store in the UK about 5 years ago but then closed it again after a couple of years)

Thats funny, I have a lot of stuff from them. There is none in Montana, but I bought many things in Illinois and I have a dresser I got from my mom from Ethen Allen that was bought in the mid or early 60s.

I use Soft Claws sometimes mainly on 1 or 2 cats. Orion and or Nova like to fight sometimes and if they are in a mode where they scratch the other badly they get the caps. Otherwise I keep their nails well trimmed and they have scratching posts all over to use and they do.

I hate bentonite clumping litter as it is too heavy and there are also health risks.
What are the health risks you mention? I mostly use that, but of course the main supply in the world is only a state away and it is pretty cheap. I tried paper litter once, but the cats did not like it and I thought it stunk when wet. Corn based litter? Orion thought it was a picnic. Other litters were too large and bother Leo's feet (he is declawed, not by me).

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2009, 19:47:53 PM »
I don't stop jumping on counters.

Trim claws and I don't like soft paws ... No furniture has been scratched ever.

Only have a 2 year old.

Used to use catsan litter but switched to cats best OKO and love it as it does exactly what it says it does on the bag!

Feed a variety of food,  both wet and dry .. Regular and prescription (hills c/d for urinary issues).

Don't think grain free is the be all or end all ... What matters is how the cat does on the food whether it has grains or not.

lay me down, let me go, feeling heavy the ground is cold,
lay me down take it slow I'm ready to stumble, sing & then swing low
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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2009, 19:46:27 PM »
I should have answered all the questions in order.

My cats go wherever they like - as long as it is safe. It is futile trying to stop them  ;)

Alice hasn't actually been diagnosed with Arthritis but she is very creaky - I give her glucosamine in the winter and she has a heated bed and also a reflective one. Willow & Clapton have (expensive) Royal Canin renal food but 80% + is wasted. They also have regular food with phosphorus binders added. I tried grain-free (Orijen) but they aren't very impressed with it. As I try to keep their phospahte levels down, it probably isn't the best food being probably the highest phosphorus food I have seen. I try to feed them wet with a small amount of dry but basically, the cats dictate and I follow their commands  :evillaugh:

Oh, they also get free-range cooked chicken and boiled fish as treats.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2009, 19:37:21 PM »
1) What do you use to keep your cats from getting to something they are not allowed to go on or near? For example, if you do not allow them on the counter, how do you stop them?

2) Scratching... Do you trim their claws? Use Soft Claws nail caps?

3) Do you have an older cat? If so, do you use anything to help them with arthritis? If so what? Also, have you ever used a heated mat or bed for them?

4) What kind of cat litters do they have in the UK and what do you use? Why do you prefer it?

5) Lastly,food. I am sure there are many many food differences form there and here. Are any of your cats on a vet prescription diet? If so, for what condition and what is the food? How about a special diet you put them on?

6) What are your thoughts on canned vs moist vs dry foods?

7) Any thoughts on the issue of grain free?

Forgive my numbering your questions, but it makes my reply easier  ;)

1) Nothing.  You can't.

2) No. Good grief, no.

3) Yes. Metacam and lactulose.  We also have a heat pad.

4) No preference.

5) No.  I prefer quality foods.

6) I prefer a predominantly wet diet to ensure an adequate fluid intake.

7) Not really.  I try to limit grains but it's what my cat will eat that matters in the end.

You ask a lot of questions  ;) and I see that you have a website that you'd like us to visit.  Are these facts connected?


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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2009, 19:35:15 PM »

Scratching... Do you trim their claws? Use Soft Claws nail caps?

I have yet to hear of anyone in the UK that uses soft caps. I think I can't be the only one that just accepts shredded furniture. I have to say, our most expensive sofa, which is real deep red velvet doesn't get clawed as they don't seem to like the texture. We also have some upholstered dining room chairs that occasionally get clawed but without coming to any harm. They were from Ethan Allen (They opened one store in the UK about 5 years ago but then closed it again after a couple of years)

As for litter, I used Cats Best OKO wood clumping litter. It is very soft, clumps perfectly and is compostable and suposedly flushable. One bag lasts for weeks as it only needs to be topped up  it is made from renewable sources. I hate bentonite clumping litter as it is too heavy and there are also health risks.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: Cat product questions....
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2009, 19:34:27 PM »
What do you use to keep your cats from getting to something they are not allowed to go on or near? For example, if you do not allow them on the counter, how do you stop them?

If Pepsi is up on the kitchen worktops she'll normally make a racket knocking pots and bottles around so we'll hear her. As soon as someone goes in and finds her she'll make her unhappy meow that she does when she's being told off and jump down straight away, so she knows it's wrong to be there because she knows we're going to shout at her  :naughty: She's  only done this once or twice though so not a big issue. She's allowed to go pretty much everywhere else though.

Scratching... Do you trim their claws? Use Soft Claws nail caps?

She currently uses the sofa to keep her claws small. I'm not too fussed about this at the moment as we got the sofa from Freecycle and the arms were scratched by cats previously so it's not as if she's wrecking it too much. Plus it's the ugly sofa anyway!  :evillaugh: I'm getting her a big scratching post/tower next week though so will probably prefer to scratch that. I haven't trimmed her claws yet. I know someone who uses the Soft Claws on his Bengals and says they're brilliant, although it looks like they've got painted nails  :evillaugh:
What kind of cat litters do they have in the UK and what do you use? Why do you prefer it?
We have non-clumping, clumping clay, wood-based, crystals etc. I use a cheap clumping one at the moment, I don't mind it because it's easy to scoop the clumps out and it's more economical because I don't have to empty and refill the entire tray all the time. Pepsi seems to pee about a million times a da so having to refill the tray every single time would be very expensive! Plus I scoop the poop out as soon as she does it (she has a little problem and poos on the floor sometimes  :sick:) so it doesn't smell as it's not in the tray for long enough

« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 19:38:15 PM by Claire_smc »

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Cat product questions....
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2009, 19:07:57 PM »
Hi all. I just wanted to ask about some products and your opinions.

What do you use to keep your cats from getting to something they are not allowed to go on or near? For example, if you do not allow them on the counter, how do you stop them?

Scratching... Do you trim their claws? Use Soft Claws nail caps?

Do you have an older cat? If so, do you use anything to help them with arthritis? If so what? Also, have you ever used a heated mat or bed for them?
What kind of cat litters do they have in the UK and what do you use? Why do you prefer it?

Lastly,food. I am sure there are many many food differences form there and here. Are any of your cats on a vet prescription diet? If so, for what condition and what is the food? How about a special diet you put them on?
What are your thoughts on canned vs moist vs dry foods?
Any thoughts on the issue of grain free?

Unrelated, we went to Bozeman yesterday for shopping. On the way home (we left about 7pm) it started to snow and all the way home. It has been snowing all night and all day so far and the temps fell rather low again last night. I hope any stray and ferals are okay here. Here is a live shot from our property and the weather info. I think we have over 5 more inches not added to the 3 we had.

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