Sorry I haven't been on for ages but have been having all these problems with my shoulders and arms everytime I had to use the computer. It certainly eases when I stay off.
I have been meaning to update you on Charlie and now I will.
He has been up and down. He is now on week 47 of his treatment. He has been diagnosed as having feline idiopathic cystis and we are unsure if this is what has been causing his hyperesthesia or vice versa. However he was prescribed prozac in increasing doses, expecting to go up eventually to 0.8mls. When we got to 0.7mls his bladder started blocking and we had three episodes of emergency hospitalisation and unblocking. The behaviourist vet and my vet decided between them that it was probably the prozac as this is a very very rare side effect of the drug. SO he has been on a reduction programme and will completely be off the prozac next Thursday. His bladder situation, touch wood, has improved, although his anxiety seems to have increased this last week. We have had wonderful days though with Charlie sleeping on the bed (he never did that before) and chirping and playing. I got him a halogen heater which he adores and chirps and rolls over in front of it. He is basically a much happier cat though he still has his skitzing moments and his aural sensitivity issues sometimes. By no means all the time though and overall I would say things have improved. Still work to do and sometimes I get exhausted with anxiety. He is blissfully unaware that I have been waiting 14 hours for him to pee and just goes on the tray and does a lake LOL.
He is on hypovase which prevents bladder spasms, cystaid for his bladder lining and occasional metacam, in addition to the final week of prozac. He is still very naughty sometimes though LOL but he wouldn't be Charlie if he wasn;t
I would like to say to you all that your support is so appreciated. I am sorry I haven't been posting when your cats have been sick or gone to the Bridge but I give you my word I have been thinking about you all.
Merry Xmas to you all and I hope Santa Paws brings all our pets lots of great pressies.
Chrissie xxxx