Well the vet has decided to leave the lump and see how it is in another month - if it does keep growing then he will remove it - if it stops he will leave it i think - so will see . She had her nails cut whilst we were there though !
Bungly isn''t so good though, snotty nose again and not eaten much for the last 2 days , back on Baytril injection today , tomorrow and Saturday and then finish the course with tablets . She has eaten a bit of egg custard tonight !
He also thinks the cancer might be starting to take its toll on her kidneys - so may start her on fortekor - although he did say to me "when do we say enough !" - i suppose he means all the tablets - with fortekor that will take her to 4 every day and 5 every 5th day .
Not having a good week this week - car trouble too -flat tyres !