Contact/organisation details: RACR, Pm Rattiemommy or Icarus
Does the animal have rescue back up?: Yes
Location: Stockton-On-Tees, Durham
Number of groups:1
Number of animals:1
Type/Breed/Variety: SHD Cat
Sex: Female
Age(s): 7 years
Name(s): Megan
Colours: Tortieshell
Neutered: Yes
Reason for rehoming: handed into rescue after owners forced move of home.
Temperament: Very friendly, outgoing and confident
Medical problems: No
Will the group be split: N/A
Transport available: Can be arranged
Other: Megan is just so adorable. She is little for her age so looks like a kitten, but dont let size fool you. She is very condifent around other cats and dogs and likes children also. She can be vocal when she wants feeding and will let you know with her sweet little meow.