Author Topic: Epogen  (Read 1344 times)

Offline swampmaxmum

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« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2009, 13:09:07 PM »
Has anyone used this for anaemia or CRF induced exhaustion? It's so commonly used in America but not it seems here. Is it as difficult to monitor as the internet suggests? How fast does it start to work?
thanks for any info. I've just read up on Tanya's CRF info site and some people on the CRF yahoo group have had success with it.  Swampy's PCV isn't as low as the recommended starting level but his red cell volume is low.

Are there any behaviour side effects? What does it do, it doesn't make them jumpy and agitated and aggressive like anabolic steroids (testosterone) like laurabolin does it?  He got so cross after his last laurabolin he jumped up on the stairs for the first time in months, then couldn't work out how to get down......(for anyone who doesn't know, he is blind).


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