Hi bazsmum-he won't go in the trap if i go one-there was one at Penny's for about 2 weeks, but he wouldn't go near the thing! Today, tho' i had a surprise-Mr CDS rang me!!! He'd just seen a grey cat on a grassed area and, when he whistled, he turned round, but then went back to hunting in the bush! He didn't want to get too close incase it spooked him, as the area is close to a busy road!!! I decided to go over-big mistake, Friday afternoon traffic-but managed to find my way to the house. Had a walk and a whistle, but decided to knock the door. So now i've met the CDS's!! Nice people and i asked them to point me in the direction of the area, but he took me! Spent about half an hour there, but no joy! He said he'll not give up and check every couple of hours, and keep me posted!
I'll go again in the week and try again!