Author Topic: nasty virus :-(  (Read 1159 times)

Offline Janeyk

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Re: nasty virus :-(
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2009, 22:32:10 PM »
 :( Poor things, hope they are both soon well again, my vet used to say a drop of Olbas Oil on a tissue close by is ok, I used to tuck it under a cushion near Schui was when he was stuffed up.
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline nicchick

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Re: nasty virus :-(
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2009, 21:22:58 PM »
Well I had head sardines were good, so when I was in the shop earlier I had a look, but couldnt remember wether tomatos were okay for cats so I bought the sardines in spring water will try it for her supper - will it be good at helping hydrate her? I have no idea how "wet" it is lol! I guess I could add some of the spring water in the bowl - will taste nice and fishy for her :)

Kookie Bear does seem a little bit brighter iin the past hour - I got a couple of syringe fulls of water into her earlier, and I mixed a big teaspoon of a/d with water to make a thick "soup" and she tucked right in :briggin: she should be a bit less dehydrated at least.

Simba is now sneezing fairly often, but still seems bright and chatty, mind you Bear was sneezing for a day but fine before she got poorly.

Fingers crossed simba has a better imune system than Bear........... :innocent:

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: nasty virus :-(
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2009, 20:07:53 PM »
Have you tried her with stinky tinned sardines in tomato sauce, the congestion affects the appetite as when they cant smell they dont want to eat, its a stuggle to swallow as well for some of them. Also slighty warming food can help as makes it wiffier  :sick:
Hanging a flannel out of her reach with karvol on it can also help

Offline nicchick

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nasty virus :-(
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2009, 19:34:26 PM »
My youngest cat has a nasty virus of some sort which has left her very poorly - sneezing (tho she is sneezing less now) sore eyes, runny nose (clear) and a temp. She has been to the vets 3 times in 6 days, and is due to go back on monday for some swabs/tests. She isnt eating (will only touch a tiny bit the prescription pate type thing a/d I think its called) she isnt drinking which is really worrying and i am having to syringe a little water into mouth regularly. This is stressful as she hates it and cries at me and squirms and doesnt want to drink any of it  :'( This is along with me having to put snot drops in her eyes, which she hates even more than the water.

Today however, my other cat has now started sneezing, so he blatenally has it too  :Crazy:

If he is anything like Kookie he will be quite poorly tommorrow......... Its stressful enough with one very poorly cat, let alone two.......



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