Author Topic: Help with problem please  (Read 1693 times)

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Help with problem please
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2009, 13:54:21 PM »
I would put a little food out for him, I know it's not the ideal solution but if he finds food elsewhere, he would probably go there rather than coming least if he has a food source, he will stick around even if you can't get him in  :hug:  When you see him, I would take the food out and try and do what you normally do, if this doesn't work just leave the food where it is and back sounds like he's associated being fed with having to come in and obviously he has other ideas.

Offline pinkpandora

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Re: Help with problem please
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2009, 13:47:17 PM »
Thank you very much for your replies which are very reassuring. Is it OK though that he hasn't come in for his food for two days. What I was doing is if he wouldn't come in I would take a bowl of food out there and when he came over (which he always did) I would pick him up and bring him into eat because I am determined not to feed him outside and get him used to that - however last night and this morning this wouldn't work.

I would love to keep him in longer - I kept him in three months but he learnt how to open the cat flap and let himself out - I have the cat flap set to coming in only and he learnt how to change that!!!


Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Help with problem please
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2009, 13:32:56 PM »
I know it's hard not to worry but try not to.  I deal mainly with ferals and I have the same reaction with some of mine.  When they are indoors, they will let me fuss them etc but outside, they are a different ball game altogether.  Some will willingly come back in, others I have to try every trick in the book but slowly they do get more confidant and mine will even run in now when the dog is sat at the door.  If everything else is normal and nothing has changed, ie no cats scaring him away from your door, he is probably just using his natural instincts which is typical feral.  Some of mine will let me fuss them one day and other days you'd swear to god they'd never been fussed in their life  :shocked:  Personally I would try and keep him in a little longer until he's built up the bond with you more and then try him again  ;)

Offline Kirst

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Re: Help with problem please
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2009, 13:25:19 PM »
It sounds like typical 'I want to go out and play , and you can't make me stay in' behaviour! ;) As Daisymac says , I am sure when it is chucking it own with rain and freezing cold he will start to appreciate his home-comforts a little more!

Offline Daisymac

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Re: Help with problem please
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2009, 12:50:05 PM »
I dont know if this helps,  but my cats go outside and in the summer and when it is warmer I have terrible trouble getting them in,  but as soon as the dark nights and the cold days come in I have terrible trouble getting them out,  I am sure Junior is just making the most of the weather,  he wont go back to being feral,  that wont happen,  he is just being an outside cat,  even my cat Teabag who is a really softy will run away from me if I approach him outside as he knows I am trying to get him to come inside and he doesnt want to.

Dont stress too much about it,  as soon as it is cold he will be back perched on your lap  :hug:

Offline pinkpandora

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Help with problem please
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2009, 10:27:28 AM »
Hello everyone - I really need some advice. I have posted on here before that in May I adopted two feral kittens (8 months old) and they have come along really well. The cat I would like advice about Junior bonded so much with me that I call him the big old silly - all he wanted to do was to be cuddled and stroked. He became very tame, would sleep on the bed, would interqct with the others and come to be fed and behaved as if he had never been feral. He was not happy for anyone but me to pick him up.

He started going outdoors two Saturdays ago and I was dreading this in case he went missing. It all started out OK - he went out for short periods at a time and then either came in the back door (albeit hesitently) or let me pick him up and bring him in. He stayed in at night. Everytime I called him he came and let me make a fuss and pick him up. However, since last Wednesday things have gone very badly wrong. Most times that  I go out he runs off (we have a gap in the fence which leads to a field and all my cats love to hang out in there), he will sometimes be enticed over with food and then I will pick him up and carry him in for his food. He stays out all night and in the morning up until yesterday he would be there waiting for his food. He seemed nervous to come in the back door and would come to the doorstep and then back off and I would have to go out and get him which involved him sometimes running away and me having to coax him over.

 I picked him up and cuddled him at lunchtime yesterday and he was purring and allowed himself to be brought in for food and made a fuss off and then he  went out and since then everytime I have seen him he has run off and has not come in for his food last night or this morning although he has appeared at that time. He gets on really well with my other cats.

He won't use the cat flap to come in although the lady I got him from said that he used the flap at her house even though he was feral and wouldn't let her near him and to be honest I am so gutted and worried. I have been really tearful about this because he became a real pet to me. I really feel that all my good work has been spoilt and don't know why. If anyone could shed any light on what they think might be wrong. I am worried that he will never let me near him again and will go back to being feral.

Any advice or ideas would be  greatly appreciated

Thank you



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