My cat, Preet, has just been Neutered and Chipped and Vaccinated so is now sore and convalescing
I have had some great advice from several of you that has really helped me and my wife teach him to use the litter tray etc
Thing is, and perhaps this is not something anyone can help me with, is that he is so not happy. He loved being an outdoors cat, going and coming as he pleases and now he is trapped in doors, is sore and still has testosterone in his body, so the call of the wild is still in his head.
He is not angry or hissing (never has) or nasty in any way. He's just sad, and resigned. Looking forlornly at the door.
I need to stop being a kid about it, I know and just trust that he'll be good in time but I just cannot see this free spirit wanting to be a house cat and I do not want to force him to be one.
I think my plan is, to regiment his meal times and then, when he is eating at set times and knows them, start to let him out like half an hour before he eats so he comes back. Maybe an hour...
Thoughts and comments please?