Hey guys
you may remember a while back Mango had the runs for a while and was running away when it happened and spreading the poop in various directions (usually up the stairs or on one of the beds, or on the carpet, never on the tiles floor where its easily cleaned of course) well, after a course of antibiotics, the runs have gone, but the behaviour has not.
Every other day (usually) Mango will suddenly start running round at full pelt leaving a trail of poop behind her that we have to pick up
she will then groom for a minute before she goes and hides under one of the beds for a good half hour before emerging.
Could the runs have left her with this psychological fear of pooping? how the hell do I get her to start using the tray again for number 2's? (she still uses for number 1's) we get no warning of when she needs to poo, she does seem to be holding it back for as long as possible though, as some times its been a few days before she goes.
help I dont want my house to be a huge litter tray