Welcome to Purrs
To answer everyones question we are currently at 42 cats ranging from 17 years young to baby beijing whi is just over one and finally we have the Hissy boys - the label on their box said evil and nasty - our neighbour found the box all taped up with no airholes and opened it and then came to us - eveil and nasty are about 12 weks old - they are now called Turbo who is a bit hissy and Jet who is purring like a jet engine
The Clan Cats also have their own pets our 3 dogs Jazz, Sky and Sunny!
Ours are mainly ferals, but we do have some nice ones and a rescue raggie all make up our family - those who share our home - outside we have 8 -10 ferals and Bambi and her sister in the paddock and currently Moto from next door up the hill is living in the wendyhouse!
We live in a very rural location!