So I thought I'd tell you all about my kitties
Rigsy was found on the Scottish moors in the middle of November 2001, aged about 1 - 2 weeks old. Her mother and littermates (all but one) had died from the cold, and Rigsy and her brother were not far from dead. Luckily they were found by a Cats Protection officer whilst walking her dogs, so they ended up in the best of hands. We ended up taking Rigsy, and the vets secretary kept the brother. She was pretty much feral, and hated being stroked, picked up or cuddled, but did like us being around. She's still quite like that, she hates cuddles, won't sit on your knee, but she's quite happy to be stroked now, infact, she loves rubbing round legs wanting to be stroked and spoken to. She's aloof, and only likes her own people. She was an indoor cat for the first 4 years of her life (due to us losing a cat to the road), however now we live in such a remote area surrounded by fields, its safe for her to go out. Saying that, she still comes in to go to the litterbox
she can't bring herself to 'go' outside! Her favourite pastime is chasing moths, she loves bringing them inside.
Awful pic...but she's really good at getting up bunkbed ladders!
More here... is my little man, my baby
. He appeared in our garage during a strom in 2004. He was a bag of bones, covered in fleas and ticks, and absolutely terrified of us. It was quite clear he had been abused too, which the vet confirmed, or at least, he agreed with us. The vet believed he had been kicked in the face, due the nature of his injuries
He only has one ear, I'm not sure what happened, but its healed the way it has, and it was like that when we got him. He also had no teeth in the front half of his mouth, again the vet believed to be the result of a kicking. So we spoke to Cats Protection, after my parents did the usual 'Don't feed him or he'll keep coming back' bit
but they didn't find any owners, nor did the vet, so eventually my parents fell in love with him too and he never left. Lucky seemed an appropriate name for him. He really is lucky now. He's so spoilt, sleeps in my bed everynight with his head resting on my arm, and gets so much stuff bought for him its rediculous. He is a tiny bit overweight, I know, but the vet says he's healthy, just a BIG boy. ETA: He does have eyes I promise, just he had Felina Chlamydia in the past which was left untreated (not by us) and it affected his eyes. They don't open fully, and he closes his eyes when the camera comes out! LOL
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