CC, Lexy did this especially as she was trying to eat everything in one go. Biscuits usually were the culprit. As she is let's say.. ahem.. a rounder lady
I got her on a diet and it's working well. She's lost 500g in 6 weeks which is a lot but she's not starving.
I cut her dry food down and only give her that food as a "treat" so she has fun with it, and her wet food I wet down a little.
Do you have the ability to feed her in a room all on her own? So keep her separate, feed the others and then spend time in the other room with her so that she doens't eat the other food and they don't eat hers?
I got Lexy the Malcolm Mouse from Sainsbury's (2 of them) and a Slim Cat ball from VetUk (there are other retailers). All her dry food goes into these, half in the morning half at night. She has to go find it. Because its a fun game she exercises and she eats the wet food as its the readily available one for her so she will always eat it.
Speak to your vet before you do want to try this, but if you do, and you're able to keep her separate at feeding time from the others, then you may see an improvement in weight and no more throwing up. Lexy hasn't thrown up (other than a furball
) since I started this.