Author Topic: A flaming, furious, fur flying ball  (Read 2474 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: A flaming, furious, fur flying ball
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2009, 17:01:24 PM »
Im glad things have settled with the boys and that you have the all clear with your heart, i think your kitties know how good a heart it is  ;D

Dark Moon

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Re: A flaming, furious, fur flying ball
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2009, 21:28:53 PM »
Sorry it took so long to get back........

Both boys are around and both seem fine. Amazing the fur that can fly and the blood curdling screams that can fill the air - and yet have no one hurt seriously. Still, I am glad.

On a similar but different topic - Edgar has wandered on home 2x in the past 2 days. He also came as a stray and lives in the house all winter, but there is NO way I can keep him in during the summer. That cat has ripped out each and every last screen in my house many, many times and I figure if he wants out that badly......  Anyway, he met Jasper this winter on those odd occasions when he (Edgar) went out. I don't know what their relationship was, but the past 2 days when Edgar has come in (for less than 10 minutes each time) Jasper has honed right on in on him. Not aggressive. But obviously in recognition. And they say animals can't think or remember!

And finally, part of my own saga has ended today. I have arthritis. Not the common type (sadly). Took them many years to diagnose it and more to try to treat it. Which they have failed to do. Thus far. So this Feb I hiked on off to yet another specialist (driving 4+ hours in the dead of winter) only to have him tell me that he wants to put me on these new drugs. But that I have a heart murmur (well, of course I do. Every doctor I have ever had since a child has told me that!) but that he won't even try for these drugs until we find out what's 'wrong' with my heart since they (the drugs) could make it worse. Made it sound as if things were v-e-r-y bad. As in the heart valves are obviously diseased and that means my heart had to work so much harder and that means heart attacks are.....So I went for an ultrasound (in April) and saw the cardiologist today. Nothing whatever is wrong with my heart. Heart, valves and vessels all fine. Murmur is there but likely caused by my heart beat.  Which is rapid. Maybe because I'm upset? Duh! So, I've wasted 4 months........  And you need to know that I HATE doctors. Still, given that my family ALL die of heart attacks and strokes, usually at a young age, today's news was good.

But I don't plan on going back to any more doctors any time soon. I hate taking drugs anyway. And, frankly, the stuff they put you through is frequently worse than the ailment itself.  What's the saying? The cure is worse than the disease?  Yup!

Have poured myself a glass of sherry and am now going out to sit and sip and watch my babies play and/or just lie, flaked out in the sun. And wait for my 'warriors'. And my doe (though she only comes through in early morning. But sometimes she spends the night here. And think again (though I forget sometimes) it can be 'a wonderful life'.  Rare moments, when you remember that. But worth cherishing.

And, lest you get all mellow about that, let me tell you - from experience - that'll likely last right up until I'm almost mellowed out, when another cat fight or some such will erupt! Rather like the way the cat burst into flames this winter....  But for now all is well.

And I just wanted to let you know of the 'boys' - both the combatants and Edgar-Jasper.

And that maybe I do have a heart and that she's working quite fine, thank-you!  :catluv:

Dark Moon

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Re: A flaming, furious, fur flying ball
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2009, 15:19:31 PM »
Have seen neither combatant yet today - but it's early. Yes, the thing I worried (and worry) about was wounds. I know Shadow had a problem early on. Likely an abscess as he was limping. But since I can't catch them, there's little I can do even if they are wounded. His leg has improved, so all was well. Until yesterday, anyway.   As for diseases, thankfully we don't have much. I have all mine vaccinated though. Worst fear is rabies. We DO have that around here - which is why I worry so about the skunks and the raccoons that seem to find kitty food (that left on the porch) absolutely delicious. Sigh.........

Still, for all the worries, it is nice to be able to see such beasties wandering through my yard. Came down this morning to see my doe strolling through. She showed up about 10 days ago. Thankfully, thus far hasn't munched any of my flowers. She and Simon had a glorious game of 'gotcha!' the first day she arrived. It was hilarious to watch.

Mostly there isn't much I can do except keep my own babies safe. Thankfully, most of them are smart enough to flee at the sound of a cat fight, instead of participating in it! As for the warriors - I'll let you know when they show up. I expect both are off recovering from their 'match'. Silly fellows. There really IS enough space and food and all here for them both to survive.

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: A flaming, furious, fur flying ball
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2009, 14:12:13 PM »
the real worry is the diseases which can be tranferred via a cat bite

do you have a problem with FelV and FIV in your neck of the woods, DM?
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Offline Bazsmum

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Re: A flaming, furious, fur flying ball
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2009, 10:33:50 AM »
Oh no! What an awful scene that must of been for you....poor cats too!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

I think the kitty signals are strong in your area DM this year, you have had quite a few visitors all needing some sort of attention! They are certainly displaying survival antics!  :(

I hope the two mites didnt manage to get as far as drawing blood on each other? That would be all you would need!  :(

Stay strong DM, am thinking of you and wishing I were close enough to assist!  :care: :grouphug:

Offline Wibblechick

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Re: A flaming, furious, fur flying ball
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2009, 09:33:11 AM »
Cat fights!!  :scared: :scared: :scared:

Dainty Chloe wants to sit and watch, Mr T hides under the sofa  :(

Something, thankfully, we don't have too much of here.

Though there have been nights when Ive seen one of those furry, claws-teeth-n-paws balls rolling around on the grass outside the flats.  And resorted to a bucket of water to separate them.  :shy:

 There has been so much pulled out fur, you would expect a couple of naked Toms to be strolling around the area!

 But never a trace of blood!!   :Crazy:
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Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: A flaming, furious, fur flying ball
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2009, 07:01:33 AM »
Have to admit, DM that the one sound that makes my blood run cold is that of cats in a fight. The primal sound is frightening when you least expect it.

How're they doing today?

Dark Moon

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A flaming, furious, fur flying ball
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2009, 01:29:17 AM »
Logged off and went outside. To find my babies fleeing for the porch. Amid howls and yowls..........

Long story short ... marched toward the sound saying (forgive me. I can't even believe I said this!) ... "Don't make me come over there!"  But, of course they did.

Shadow and "Him".  In a tight furiously fighting ball.

So involved that they ignored me until I was within spitting distance. Then, on my yell, "He" flew E, and Shadow S. Sigh............. 

Never had this many un-neutered males around before. And it isn't going well. Jasper and Shadow had their episodes. Shadow limping....  Now 'He' and Shadow..... 

Shadow just came across the back yard. He is, from the looks of him, a very young tom. "He" is likely older. Looks to have been around the block a couple of times. But is so small.....  Both don't seem all that aggressive. Shadow sitting with "She whose name must not be mentioned" today. "He" with Molly-Molly yesterday.....

Sorry. I just thought the other thread was getting full. And need to share this latest in the on-gong saga..........  Sigh..............


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