Author Topic: Constipation in new cat  (Read 2972 times)

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2008, 06:59:41 AM »
He's gorgeous.

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2008, 04:50:30 AM »
 :thanks: Thanks everyone for all your replies and advice.  I was not able to take Harley Tutu to the vets today because I had my grandson stay with me and I didn't get him back home in time to still make it to the vet's.  I can't do it tomorrow either but for sure I can do it on Wednesday.  The good news is that Harley Tutu did take to eating the smoked ham, chopped up finely and I still was able to get him to eat some can tuna fish as well.  He has gone pooh now twice over the weekend but his stool is very hard and pellet like.  He is now drinking a bit of water too!  I think his constipation may have been brought on from all the stress of being in a new home? 

I have noticed another thing about him now that I had not noticed before since I was not handling him that much as I did not want to stress him out.  Anyway I have noticed that many times when I pick him up, he will cough.  It almost sounds as if he has been a smoker or something because it is a harsh deep cough.  He does not cough every time I pick him up but very often does.  Any clues?  Is it possible that since he is a long hair cat and has not been kept up with the brushing that he now has a hair ball or something?  How can I tell?  What are hair ball signs?  Will the vet be able to tell?  Also he has been getting a runny nose still off and on?  Could a hair ball cause that too?  His runny nose is ALWAYS only in his left nostril.  Could something be stuck up there that is causing irritation?  He has lived in a cage for so long now, I can't imagine that he has gotten into something?  He has been letting me brush him some but only in short spurts.  I can tell being brushed in his past was probably not an enjoyable experience for him.  He still won't let me brush his tail or his rear end.  I think I better get that little battery trimmer that Gillian (Ambercat) has suggested so I can remove those mats.  I wonder if my vet could do that for me when I take him on Wednesday?  I would rather the vet be the bad guy than me! lol :rofl:

Sorry for all the questions.  He does seem to be settling in a bit more and may even feel safe now?  At least I hope.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2008, 14:41:52 PM »
He is gorgeous and will take a while to get used to all this freedom I think, but he looks nosey and curious which is good.

I thiunk a once over at a vets is a good idea,,,,,,,,,,,,do you know what food he was eating at the shelter cos to give him the same foot to start with may be a help.

The vet should be able to tell if he is constipapted or his bladder is full and being a longhaired cat he may have some fur bunging him up which Katolax would help.

I suspect right now its all just very starnge to him and he will sttle in fine over time  ;D

Offline kris

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2008, 13:07:12 PM »
Aww what a wee sweetheart, a lovely expressive tail, my fred constantly whips his tail about and 'talks' with it which is lovely  :)

He looks like he will be a right character once he settles.

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2008, 07:33:15 AM »;cat=7    ;)

Helen (TM) has a list of them all.....but I cant find it?  :shy: Sorry!

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2008, 06:59:04 AM »
You can get Katalax from your vet or from online stores like VetUK.  I think Purrs has links to some but am not sure where but no doubt some lovely person will come on and tell you.  Lactulose is available from any chemist but I would check with vet before giving it
« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 06:59:38 AM by Maddiesmum »

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2008, 23:03:32 PM »
He has let me brush him some but soon gets unable to tolerate much of it.  He does have some mats on his rear end that I would like to brush out or cut out, but I don't want to make it to much of a trauma for him at this point.  Oh, and he really could use a 'one time' bath.  His fur feels dirty to touch, compared to my other kitty's, which feels soft and clean.   

Its still early days as others have mentioned, I'm sure he will settle in, just let him do things in his own time.

With regard to the mats in his coat I would try one of these little battery trimmers . They are small and not too noisy and will very quickly trim off any small knots without to much pulling (and much safer than trying to cut them out) I wouldnt recommend bathing him, certainly not at this early stage while he's still settling in, maybe later on if you think he still needs it, (and definitely NO bathing while he has knots!), but I'm sure with a little gentle grooming from you (followed by a nice food treat, just so's he associates grooming with something good!) his coat will improve.

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2008, 22:48:20 PM »
No trouble at all  :)
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Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2008, 22:42:57 PM »
Sam, thank you!  I just had a look at that website.  I bookmarked it too!  There is a host of useful information there!  I'm going back there right now to finish up reading everything.  Thanks again!

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2008, 20:40:28 PM »
I would suggest having a look at wizz's  behaviour section ... she is an animal behaviourist and really knows her stuff and is very well thought of by peeps on this site

There is info on bonding, introductions, etc.

With regards to Katalax ... you should be able to get it from your vet or online at

« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 20:45:06 PM by Sam (Fussy_Furball) »
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Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2008, 20:22:10 PM »
Thank you guys so much with your advice.  :thanks:  I am fairly new to owning kitty's so I certainly can use as much advice or tips that I can get.  I have never done 'new kitty' introductions before so I am taking things super slow and not rushing him at all.  I do have him in his own room with a bathroom too, so he has plenty of new space to explore compared to living in his cage at the shelter. 

I'm sure you can see why this little guy just stole my heart when I first saw him.  Just how long do you think it will take him to relax and settle in here, weeks, months?  I feel so sad for his past, but that is gone now so I really could use some tips on bonding with him.  He has let me brush him some but soon gets unable to tolerate much of it.  He does have some mats on his rear end that I would like to brush out or cut out, but I don't want to make it to much of a trauma for him at this point.  Oh, and he really could use a 'one time' bath.  His fur feels dirty to touch, compared to my other kitty's, which feels soft and clean.   I truly expect a huge difference to happen with his coats appearance over the next 6 months as he will be well taken care of with only the best foods...once he starts eating.  Poor baby.  A healthy black cat has the most gorgeous shiny fur, don't you think?

Here is a silly video clip I made of him on his first day at my home so I could show him off at my Wheekers forum.  I also belong to another forum for guinea pigs, yes I have guinea pigs too, lol , that forum is called Wheekers.  Anyone else have guinea pigs too?

Thanks kris for the tip on smoked ham.   Yesterday I read on a website that for constipation, canned pumpkin works well too...if you can get the cat to eat it?

Maddiesmum, I guess I am assuming he is constipated because he does seam to been straining to go but nothing comes out.  :(  I'm not to familiar with things like Katalax?  Is that something that I can buy at the pet supply store or do I get it from my vet?  Poor kitty has got to be uncomfortable?  Thanks for your advice.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 20:33:34 PM by HunterHarleyMum »

Offline kris

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2008, 13:45:53 PM »
Awww what a beauty, poor wee soul.

Smoked ham, never found a cat yet to resist it?

He probably doesn't have much TO poo if he's only nibbling on food, poor love and same with wee.

Maybe the leap from cage to house is a bit too much too soon, any way you could put him somewhere separate and spend periods of time with him and then shut the door on him when you go elsewhere, might make him relax eough to eat and drink and gain more confidence? Curiosity about what else is going on in the house might then mean he explores more organically?

Sure others will have far better ideas than me, I hope he settles soon, he's got a great life due to him  :)

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2008, 09:59:37 AM »
Ahhh what a gorgeous boy ... it's still early days and he will take a bit of time to adjust if he isn't used to a home life ...poor baby.  I would keep an eye on him and make sure he has somewhere safe and quiet to call his own until he is completely settled.  Let him have access to food and water and litter try away from your other cats for now.  Good news that you are taking him to your vet and I'm sure in time he will realise that he has his forever home and start to take full advantage of it  ;)
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Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Constipation in new cat
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2008, 07:55:39 AM »
He's a lovely cat.  Are you sure he is constipated, ie has he been straining to go?  You could try putting Katalax on his paws or give him a small dose of Lactulose.  I think my old cat Dragan (now at the Bridge) used to have 2.5ml of Lactulose.  Think it is worth a check up at the vet though especially if he is not weeing.  I would ring the vet for advice in the meantime if it was me.  Good luck and keep us posted.

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Constipation in new cat
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2008, 06:37:02 AM »
Hello everyone,

It has been a while since I've posted but still have been reading the threads when I can.  Anyway I have a problem and I hope someone can give me some tips or advice until I can take my new kitty to the vet's on Monday.

This last Monday I went to the Helen Woodward Animal Rescue Center and fell in love with another cat.  It was love at first sight, for him and me.   I have not renamed him just yet but his name at the shelter was Harley.  I already have a Harley so the new cat for now is being called Harley Tutu...just for the time being, and he is 13 months old, and solid black long hair.

Anyway, Harley Tutu has had some health problems and some behavior issues as well.  He has been living at least 1/2 his life between two different shelters.  He was adopted out one other time but the lady brought him back 30 days later because he bites....she said.

He is not a well balanced cat due to his background but I am going to do my best to change that so he may live a normal happy kitty life here with me and my lot forever.
Here's the problem...I have had him now for 4 1/2 days.  He would not eat anything the first two days so on day 3 I gave him a bit of canned tuna packed in water.  I was starting to worry about his not wanting to eat.  He was not overly interested in eating the tuna but he did eat some.  Day 4, same thing.  He has only gone pooh once since I've had him and that was the first night.  Very little urine after the first night as well.

He coughs and sneezes a bit and also has had a runny nose off and on.  I mentioned this to the shelter at the time I adopted him because I noticed it while I was 'getting to know him' and they immediately took him over to the vet in the next building.  The vet came back and talked to me about him and felt it was too early to put him on antibiotics just yet.  She said his runny nose is clear fluid and his eyes are alert and his lungs sounded good too.

Because of that vet giving me her diagnose and also she told me to wait and just keep an eye out for him getting any worse.  I don't know if he is sick or not but I'm worried about his lack of appetite and his constipation.  Also one of the shelter attendants recommended that I feed him some type of hair ball remedy and she felt his cough may be due to that. 

I have been trying to get him used to being brushed and I do see a great deal of loose hair in the brush when I'm done, but he won't let me brush him fully out just yet.  He is not a very trusting kitty nor a playful kitty.  I'm sure it's because he has spent most of his life in a cage.

Also, in his medical history papers that the shelter gave to me I noticed that he has had some vomiting issues in his past on two different occasions plus three medical alert notices while at this shelter and a few other problems with nose and eyes having conjunctiva and coccidia too.

I know that I could have taken another kitty but this poor kitty needed someone to give him a third chance, so if not me, then who?

Any advice?  PLEASE...any?

« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 06:58:21 AM by HunterHarleyMum »


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