I havent seen this footage but Tigers (semi tame) being fed live cows to be mauled to death, is repulsive in the extreme. Keeping Tigers in a cage and shot for meat is just about as bad.. Born Free posted this to me and its about the issue and the upcoming 2008 Chinese Olympics. Read the blog and find out more.. Its appauling way to treat any animal buts Tigers, sometimes I am ashamed to be part of the human race!!
Although a well travelled person, there are some countries i would never visit due to appauling human and animal rights and China is just one.. How an earth they got the Olympics I have no idea..
http://www.bornfree.org.uk/blog/?p=27Born Free Founder and Chair of Trustees, Virginia McKenna, today commented on new information contained a report produced by Sky News, on zoos in China, “I have been to China on several occasions and have witnessed this cruel practice myself. With the Olympic Games just a year away, China has a short window of opportunity to tackle these issues and faces the very real possibility that many of the millions of sports enthusiasts travelling to the country in 2008 will return not with memories of the Olympic spectacle, nor of China’s undoubted ancient civilisation and culture, nor of the sparkling new China that has emerged in the last few years, but of the animal welfare horrors that still go on, cause such suffering, and offend us all.”
It is not the only reason China and animals are in the news at the moment. Certain ‘tiger farmers’ in China, together with some officials from the State Forestry Administration, are promoting the idea that there should be a reopening of tiger parts trade in China from their tiger farms. The results could be catastrophic for wild tigers and a coalition involving all the major players in tiger conservation, including Born Free, known as the Campaign Against Tiger Trafficking, are calling on the Chinese government to reject such proposals and confirm their commitment to the total ban.
It seems crazy to me that when Born Free and other groups are working so hard in the field to try and protect tigers, there could be those who want to make the commercial trade in their body parts widespread, convenient and acceptable.
I am travelling to The Hague for the CITES I will be doing a daily blog from the Convention as decisions are taken which could affect the future of endangered species right around the world
I was appalled to see the footage on Sky TV news of live animals being fed to tigers at a chinese zoo. I forced myself to watch so that I could tell others of the sheer cruelty and barbarism involved. This resulted in a sleepness night for me, due to being haunted by the images of a poor, confused domesticated cow being inexpertly mauled and eaten alive by semi-tame animals, who did not know how to hunt or kill efficiently as their wild kind do. The screams of the live chickens being used as bait for the tigers was also truly horrific. This was done in the name of entertainment for the onlookers who held their children up to the windows of the buses in the enclosure to get a better view; another generation being brutalised to accept cruelty to animals as the norm. I shall be writing to the chinese ambassador to voice my disgust at this sort of treatment of living sentent creatures
Born Free Will Travers