Author Topic: What type of cat did you look for.....and what did you actualy come away with  (Read 6725 times)

Offline JMC

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We went to the rescue lokking for our second cat and came home with:
 :rofl: :rofl:

Close  :evillaugh: He looks a bit of a hunk  :Luv2: is he any particular breed?

She is Sasha now aged 10. Sasha is an Akita x American Bulldog  ;), and she is the best friend a cat could have. :Luv2:

Offline Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's)

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I knew that when I finally got my boy I wanted a totally chilled out silver mackeral tabby with only a tiny tiny bit of white. I ended up getting a boy far sooner than I'd planned and Pinball is a Black Spotted Tabby Bicolour who seems to have aspergers and ADHD!!!  :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:
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Offline Leanne

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All I said was I didn't want a tabby or nervous cat, and would have prefered a girl.

I originally saw a kitten called princess on cat chat I enquired about her and discovered she was booked. NAWT told me about another young cat who had come in that week, he sounded adorable and a wasn't tabby, we had a long chat about him but at the end they said he was nervous, straight away that made me weary but we agreed to meet him. Hubby wasn't keen at all at this point but agreed to go along providing our furniture arrived early enough. Well it did and Jess and I fell in love straight away yes his nervous but I wouldn't swap him for the world his my little man.

When we went to adopt another cat we said we didn't care what we got, we were thinking along the lines of a female. NAWT told me about Milo over the phone he sounded adorable. He'd been in rescue weeks and everyone was over looking him. We went to see him and the fact he managed to climb up the door to the pen (head hight he was meowing at us) and didn't stop talking should have warned us that he was a nut case, but we fed him and took him there and then (as we'd previously adopted we didn't have a home check) and we've never looked back with mini either.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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We went to the rescue lokking for our second cat and came home with:
 :rofl: :rofl:

Close  :evillaugh: He looks a bit of a hunk  :Luv2: is he any particular breed?

Offline JMC

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We went to the rescue lokking for our second cat and came home with:
 :rofl: :rofl:

Offline swampmaxmum

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 I got two cats who purr loudly, sleep sixteen-plus hours a day, eat anything that's stationary for more than 10 nanoseconds and clearly don't appreciate the works of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.

The purring apart, that describes a few people I can think of   ;D

I got my Moggy from a rescue in Cape Town - well an animal 'welfare' org where they euthanased after a week at the most  :censored: - I went in looking for a little black kitten and I came out with her. She was 3 or 4 months old, very fluffy and had a bright pink nose and her description was "multi coloured"! She wouldn't leave my side for 3 weeks, or my bedroom as she was so scared I think that I would take her back to the animal welfare society cage. She was so sweet and gentle, which lasted all her 13 year life. When I got her, one of the volunteers (they were nice people, it's just SA is a bit like that) burst into tears as she was so happy that Moggy was going to a loving home, not pts. She definitely chose me - as soon as I went into the room with the cages, she bounded to the front of hers and just did a total 'take me' sell, purring like a tractor and rubbing up against me. I remember I got her home and showed my late mum who said "that's NOT a kitten"! Too bad, I was in love. RIP little one. She was the first cat I had as an adult.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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great posts and lovely stories  ;D

of course when i started this thread i sorta came in at the middle of my story......sigh

my first cat kocka was the start of everything and i did not want a cat, and i positively hated them!

as long term members of purrs know, she walked into my garden one day and refused to leave. i knew nothing about cats or any animal and i used to make her leave the house at night and she was not allowed in while I was out. Not to be beaten and to show how she felt, she started beaking in by climbing through a window that was left barely open.

I have to say in my defence that I had a little green house place and I used to leave her food and water in there , where she could also shelter if it rained!

Eventually I decided she did not have a home and she better come in cos it was October and getting chilly and I had better get a cat flap! I was at her beck and call and at the sound of flap flap or flap flap flap. I would drop everything to go and open the flap for her.........sigh.

She was not allowed in the bedroom but one fatal day I forgot to shut the door.............................

The only thing that made me move quicker than flap flap was screeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch down the kitchen window with her claws and thumping on the window. I would go out and she would step onto my shoulder and and be walked in  :shify: :shify:

I realize that she turned me into every cats dream, a human taught by a cat as to what they liked  :rofl: :rofl:

I am far to soft to have a cat cos they totally mistreat me and take advantage  ;D ;D

Like you Leigh I would not have it any other way  ;D

Offline LeighK

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Hi Gill,

I was looking for a cat/s that could cook dinner, do all the other housework and who I could engage in deep meaningful evening conversation. I got two cats who purr loudly, sleep sixteen-plus hours a day, eat anything that's stationary for more than 10 nanoseconds and clearly don't appreciate the works of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.

Would I have it any differently, would I hell!!  ;D


« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 16:04:06 PM by LeighK »
Alfie and Frankie's dad - "Letterbox" are Rockin' the Feline World


Offline JackSpratt

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We can all tell how much you care about Jack, it's wonderful. Our Jack is currently making maximum use of the futon; he's found a sun patch on it.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline James

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Only good things on here, James.... ;)
No offence - it is a good thing. Jack is great  8)

Offline JackSpratt

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Only good things on here, James.... ;)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline James

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I thought - an older, cute, shorthaired, female cat.... I now share a flat with a crazy Tom cat, shedding fur everywhere, half an ear, no teeth and FIV+ !! :rofl:

He's my boy! Whats most worrying is that we get on so well - what does that say about me!?!

Offline Dawn F

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Dark Moon, on tv and films scrooges sister is often call Fran these days!

with Oscar and Algie we went looking for a pair of kittens and out of the corner of my eye saw these beautiful boys in an isolation unit, they'd both had bad reactions to the jabs and I couldn't resist them

I'd seen Star on the rspca website and she'd been in since may and had been ill after an emergency c section, it was now september so I decided she had probably been there long enough, because we wouldn't take her immediately we visited a couple of times per week and that is where the orange faced evil genius Amber comes in, she knew just want to do to get oh to take her home as well!!!

Offline Catjane

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I wasn't looking for any particular type of cat, except that it (they!) had to be the sort that would otherwise not get easily adopted.  There was nothing remarkable or particualrly cute about the girls when I saw them on Cats Protection website, and that was the deciding factor!  All the big fluffy ones, the cute little kittens, the burmese/siamese crosses were bound to find a home, but my girls had been waiting for a while because there was always another cat who was more 'appealing' than they.  But beauty comes from within, and all my furbabes are truly beautiful!  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

Offline fluffybunny

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I wasn't looking for a cat when Sooty adopted us from the neighbours  :evillaugh:

After Sooty died we were looking for two middle aged cats, no particular preferences...and we did come away with two middle aged cats  :wow:

Offline Stuart

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At my work one day, and out of the Blue one guy I worked with asked me if I wanted a Kitten?
His Brother in law had A Farm just south of Aberdeen who's Cat had just had Kitten's but they
were semi Feral (Food was put out, but no Human contact) Hence The Kitten's were a real chav
to catch.
I remember going to My workmate's house and was immediately drawn to the Black Fluffy Ball who
had Choc flashes through His coat in the sunlight.
I was then informed by my mate's wife that that was the one she was keeping, and the Blue Fluffy
one was mine  :Luv: that was in July 1991
I still visited them regularly and I knew they were Brother's. But I found it amazing that Chico was
the spit of Misty (just different colours)
Sadly 7 years later Chico succumb to the wheels of a passing car  :'(

September or November of that year, I was coming home from working late, It was a really Horrible
Night, wind was Blowing a gale and it was lashing with Rain, when I came to the main entrance of
My Flat, I could just hear this Meowing coming from my right?? I strained my eye's looking into the
Garden, in the dark I eventually made out this white patch and two glistening eye's, I knelt
down putting my hand out and this Bedraggled Furbabe came running to me, I took Him in

Misty accepted straight away, this stranger in His Home, (He seemed more excited than anything)
The next day, put up Flyer's and questioned neighbour's and surrounding area about a Missing
B/W cat?? I noticed that this Cat was sneezing a lot (projectile snot :sick:) so I took Him to the
Vet ( think that was the day I named Him Hamish , just for His Record) He had malnutrition, sinus
infection and a bad dose of Cat Flu, think I was about £80 for the vet bill, He bounced back fairly
about a week later discovered that the block across from me had a couple whom had a B/W cat
but had emigrated to Australia and Hamish had Probably been dumped  >:(
From that day on I was a slave to the furry babes

So I suppose you could say I didn't Pick them !! " It was just fate "
Previous to all of this I was a Dog Person :innocent:

but I have now seen the Light  :)
Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

Offline tigerbaby

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First time round I didn't even want a cat. But Jameson (RIP) had other plans and moved in with us ....and transformed me into a mad cat lady.

Second time round I wanted 2 young and healthy kitten siblings. Ended up with a tail & toothless rescue cat with a mouth infection. (Owl Capone)

Both cats are/were loved with all of my heart, and I would never change anything! Jameson was perfect, and Owl - despite his missing body parts - is perfect in every sense.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 23:55:04 PM by tigerbaby »
Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

Offline Millys Mum

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^Taffy^ was brought to us by my aunt, he was supposed to be 6 weeks and weaned, he was more like 4  :( the lady wanted rid and had my aunt not taken him she was going to drown  >:(

^George^ walked into our house the day after we moved in, rolled around in the front room, gave me the "i'll be back" look and left, a few months later he was back and conducted tea time visits and then added in breakfast and then just made himself at home  :Luv2:

When we lost ^Taffy^ we went to get ^George^ a friend (or 2  ;) ) and came back with Milly & Lola.
Lucky for them they hadnt been in care for very long, we just wanted something to get along with our soppy tabby lump. Little did i know the tiny sweet Milly who pretended to be so lovely would be a right moo bag. Now i might loose her i would give anything to have longer with the stroppy little madam  :Luv:

4 months later Simon arrived as a semi feral foster, having become such good friends with ^George^ it was decided they couldnt be separated  :evillaugh: and he became no4.
Meanwhile i started TNR on a feral colony and acquired a pregnant queen. The kittens had tummy problems for some months, taking ages to fix them.
^George^ was stolen away from us a year into his friendship with Simon, hes now waiting at the bridge for everyone  :'(
Taz, Tabitha and Spike finally got over their tummy problems but were approaching 1yr and being nervy types it was decided they could stay  ;) ;D

Mister Magoo turned up having made himself homeless, his family had got another puppy and that wasnt to his liking! Hes a grumpy old sod but i really like him, i can see him getting his paws permanently under the table/duvet  :evillaugh:

Dexter arrived before Gooey but took longer to befriend, hes somebodies much loved kitten they couldnt be bothered to neuter. Gorgeous ginger ninja but a right git with the others so unless that changes hes looking for a new home, a shame as i know my dad has a liking for him  :doh: but his thuggish behaviour is not suitable for my lot, i will be sad to see him go  :'(

Offline bunglycat

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Well , the first cat i had was a beautiful long-hair black and white who sadly died in a rta aged about 4 - we had also got another l.h black and white to keep her company and i felt he may be lonely on his own - i then chose a white kitten from a dentist whose cat had kittens-the lady who had killed Sacha turned up and left us with a black long-hair - that was enough -just the 2 .
Later i saw a golden persian advertised -so i had to go and look -poor boy looked like he had hardly been fed , house was filthy and they wanted rid - i threw some money at them and took him before i lost it with them .
Chritmas eve as i got my 4 cats in -i realised i had 5  :shify:  !!
It was raining heavy so i couldnt put this little chinchilla cat out , so he stayed in and when i woke up , he was snuggled in the bed with me !
I did find out who his owners were , but he kept coming round and in the end they ask us if we wanted him as they were moving and wife was pregnant !!- oh and by the way -do you know anyone who wants a yorkshire terrier too !
I said yes, and my mum had the dog and i had 5 cats .
Over the years i was just left with my white boy Oscar who died from kidney failure almost 11 years ago and my heart broke and i vowed -no more cats !
Feeling lonely 3 months later i went to  cat show and was very emotional - i saw a cp stall with cat pics and i saw 2 white cats , but they had been homed .
I spoke to Jacky and i said i had always wanted a blue persian and thats how i got Sophie - i then "found "  :sneaky:  a very undernurished and poorly blue persian who i only kept alive for just under a year - back and forward to the vet most weeks and she died of FIP.
I then helped the local cp here for a while and they had a blue tabby persian in - howling in his pen !! - that became my Smartie boy , now almost 11 years ago.
No more - 2 is enough !
Then someone put a note through my door -they knew someone who had a persian they didn''t want anymore -was i interested !?
They put the number on the note - oh, well , can''t hurt to ring -he can go to a rescue as 2 is enough and i had booked a holiday for 3 weeks later.
I rang , went to see him and of course he never got to the rescue !!!  One large red and white persian - Winston.
One very knotty cat took half my holiday money at the vets , being shaved , blood tested , vaccinated and a week in the catterys ( never had a holiday since !!!),
3 is enough !
Then poor little Bungly -sister had been homed and the lady was supposed to have also had Bungly later after she had treatment for a ear tumour - but she never rung !
Poor Bungly deaf in one ear and lost her sister and new home  :(
So, off i went - 6 hours there and back and came home with her , blue and cream persian.
4 is enough now !
Of course then Phoebe on here wanted a home - one look and i couldn''t resist - one naughty tortie persian ,not overly socaiable , not keen on grooming , but with the most beautiful face !
5 is enough !!
Famous last words ?????
« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 16:24:07 PM by bunglycat »

Offline JackSpratt

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There's nothing wrong with the name, DM. ;) Although it might illicit giggles from some people in the UK.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Dark Moon

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Thank you

Sadly, her name still stands. So for us she will always  be F............  For you all, "She Whose Name..."

Sad, though.

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Not repugnant... just has connotations! Actually, it's a lovely name I think. Not only Scrooge's sister but the heroine of one of my fave Jane Austen novels (Mansfield Park).

F*nny has a different anatomical meaning in English English than in north American English, Dark Moon.  Although that's a recent development, hence its popularity as a name in earlier times.
I'm a member of the British Humanist Association, the national charity supporting and representing people who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs

Offline Skiddaw

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Not repugnant... just has connotations! Actually, it's a lovely name I think. Not only Scrooge's sister but the heroine of one of my fave Jane Austen novels (Mansfield Park).

Dark Moon

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I still cannot fathom why her name is forbidden.

Read your own literature, for Heaven's sake! Scrooge's sister!

It starts with F and ends with y. if that's a clue.
And before I ever came here, I never thought  such a thing was bad. Sad to know that such a wondrous loving girl has a name that people consider repugnant.

Offline Wibblechick

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I love reading these cat-tales tails  :)   And Ive just worked out "Twinkle"s REAL name  ;)
People Power Works!!!

Dark Moon

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I never went looking for any cat, really. They mostly came to me.

But I have adopted some from shelters. And to this day I remember those passed by.

The first was my beloved Ariadne (long since over the bridge). I had 4 already (shoot - hard to believe there was a time I had only 4!) and I don't know what prompted me to go to the humane society for another............. but I did. She was there. So was another. I remember it all so graphically, though it was 40 some odd years ago. There was a guinea pig and rabbit together in the cage next to hers.....  The one I left behind... she was beautiful. A gray tabby. Distrustful. But she came to me. And yet I left her there, and brought Ariadne home instead. I do not regret my choice, though I regret the lady I left behind. And think of her to this day. My beloved Ariadne stayed with me and was the most loving girl for more than 15 years (and she, like the others, was a full adult when we met). She had no teeth. Something or someone had hit her in the face and her teeth were sheered off at the gums. First thing I did with that poor girl was to take her to the vet....

Then there was Iolanthe... I had just moved and my kids (I was a teacher) said they had one kitten who needed a home. He came to me complete with a gold ribbon around his neck. But I knew of all those cats in need so before I agreed to accept him, I vowed to myself that I would go and get someone.... and that's when 'lantha came to me. They made quite a pair. First time I had two kittens.....

and then [twinkle] (i.e. she whose name apparently must not be mentioned in this forum) and Felix. My Mum lived alone. We always had animals. Her preference was for Siamese cats. Blue Boy - the boy I grew up with. Diavolo - he who had something less than all of his synapses firing....  But she had had no one for years. So I came home and wandered off to ShadeTree. To get her a cat. She did not know that's what I was doing.......  No Siamese, but there was 'she whose name must not...'  A most gorgeous calico. She just 'felt' so loving.....   but in the other room there was Felix. A B&W boy with extra toes. I am a drop dead sucker for extra toes...........  I knew that 'she whose name' was the right cat for Mum, but I had fallen instantly in love with Felix. I took them both. Brought them home and told Mum that she didn't have to worry about Felix because he was mine. "Why can't I have them both?" she replied?" And that's how it was. They were both hers for the year she had left before she had to leave her home. They both came to live with me (more of a trick than you realize, as I live more than 2000 km away...)  Mum ultimately landed here in the local Personal Care Home. I took both Felix and She Whose Name to visit regularly.

The  memory that will last with me forever was when Mum - essentially in a coma and had been for weeks,- reached out to She Whose Name (herself having plastered herself along Mum's side and was purring so.......) and stroked her. This from a woman who had not responded to anything for weeks, and whose arms had been paralyzed for about a year.

So, those are the babies I have 'come away with'.

Offline Bonkers Mad!!!

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Robin said if you can catch him you can keep hom so began Robins love affair with feral tabbies!

i want one of those  :evillaugh:
In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods;  they have not forgotten this  - Terry Pratchett

Offline Liz

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Sevenetten years ago I went to a CP shelter as a way of trying to patch up my then bad marraige and came home with the founders of the Clan Cats my gorgeous brother and sister pairing Toerag and Sweetie both black angels who stole my heart and my late Mum's and thus started my love affair of black cats - Sweetie is still with us and will be 17 at teh end of April her darling brother was my first tragic loss aged 7 our darling Toerag to an RTA - his Daddy found him and thats when our love affair really started, Tiger turned up a skinny tabby feral who hooked up with Toerag and Sweetie let him come in to the house for food, Robin said if you can catch him you can keep hom so began Robins love affair with feral tabbies!

The we decided to get some kittens as Robin had never had any dealing with kittens so we came home with Havoc and Chaos 2 more tabby ferals now known as Lima and Clio quite a challange as they had no huiman contact and took several years under Tigers guidance to become the wonderful cats we have - so began team stripe!

The we got a phonecall fro CP they had 2 black and white kittens - we never removed our names from their kitten list and on the way to pick up Max and Merlin our twin tuxedo boys bought the cat bo they came home in

The came Haggis from a guy I worked with as his landlord said they had to many cats - so Haggis came home our first ginger ninja follwed by his grey sister Floddy

Then we were going to fosterthe late great and Moose for CP Branch for Christmas - they came in december 2000 and never left both had major health issues and were golden oldies but they have been one of my best Christmas present's to date.  Moose was White and black and longhaired who hated being briushed and Bert was a balding black boy from stress

I will add more Clan stories some are wonderful some are sad but they all have one thing in common whatever their faults or illness they are all very much loved and wanted here :Luv2:

Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline JackSpratt

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The only cat I actively sought to care for was Old Mog (Carrie) and even then fate intervened. I had chosen a small, semi feral torti kitten called Spitz to be my first cat when I left home. Unfortunately, an illness occurred at the rescue and some of the kittens didn't make it; Spitz was one of them. The rescue centre asked what I wanted to do and I said I'd go and look as I'd had my homecheck and there were still cats needing homes. When I went in, a slightly older black and white cat was pinned to the door of her pen wailing to be let prizes for guessing who that was! She's been with me 14 years this year and even though she drives me mad, I wouldn't be without her.

Jack was literally handed over to me by a couple who decided they couldn't be bothered to litter train him and his sibling. At the time I didn't know I would end up with four cats, or Jazz (the sibling) would've come with me too. I took him home bundled in my coat with a tin of cat food in my pocket, and after a very short period of time he was litter trained. (Ironically, he doesn't use trays now he goes outside to toilet and is a lovely, affectionate mini panther - they missed out big time.)

I got Sage from a girl who had left her on her own with food, water and a litter tray and only visited her once a day to put down food. I said I'd look after her until the girl was on her feet again, and she agreed. Sage peed in a basket the two times the girl visited our house to see her and has never done it since. The girl never asked for her back and I'm extremely glad because she's an utter sweetheart.

Astryd was going to be a foster. She was being given away on a free site and I knew that a lot of people saw tortis as potential money making schemes. Sam collected her for me and brought her here.....she said she'd end up staying and she was right! My partner completely fell for her curious, cheeky behaviour and her "it wasn't me!" expression and she crept into my affections too. I'm glad she's part of our family.

Tobes was a last of litter kitten. My friends cat had kittens and all the others were fluff balls that people immediately went for; I saw Toby and felt an unexplainable connection. I felt that connection the whole time I had him, and although he was ill a lot during his life and we didn't get nearly as long with him as I'd have liked I don't regret him being one of ours for a second.

Parsley was my sister in laws cat, but when she emigrated she couldn't afford to take her too. She left her in her dads care; which unfortunately was a little old school and consisted of Parsley living in the garden eating on the porch. When she came to live with us, it became apparant this had been nowhere near enough interaction with humans as she was an utter snugglebum! I miss the little Churchill cat.

I guess I never really had a "set idea" about what cat I wanted; although the first choice was a torti at the rescue centre.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 12:48:59 PM by JackSpratt »

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Mark

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When I got Kylie, I didn't have a type/colour in mind. There were some lovely, purry cats there, including a grey cat that snuggled into my neck purring. They said he belonged to an old lady that had died  :'( -  I was very tempted. I then met Kylie who promptly scratched me. I though she needed me more there was something feisty about her that appealed. I thought she would be a challenge. It didn't take her long to become a soppy  :Luv2: - although she bites and scratches OH quite often  :evillaugh: - My OH at the times didn't like her as she scratched and bit. She is putty in my hands - but then again she is a cat and well aware that you don't bite the hand that feeds webbox  :evillaugh:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Robbo

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Glad you started this post Gill, some great stories.

We are all as bad as each other.  I bet we all go into the supermarket for 4 items and come out with 40 (20 of them for our cats!!)  :evillaugh: :rofl:


Yup! I went for see if PAH had some bubbles to blow for sophie, ended up spending £40 odd!!!....... Didn't even get the bubbles lol

Offline soudicca

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When I went to the local rescue, I asked for the long stays.  There were some beautiful cats but Jake - who was bad tempered and aggressive -tried to climb in my bag.  So, I took him.  He has finally stopped scratching when he gets startled or scared but its taken over three years.
Black cats rule
RIP Suki, Cleo, Jade & Sam

Offline Skiddaw

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After we lost Uncle M we said we wouldn't have another large, ginger and white cat because we were worried we would subconciously be trying to bring him back. So we ended up with a large, ginger and white cat (The Munchkin)!

Offline maryas

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Glad you started this post Gill, some great stories.

We are all as bad as each other.  I bet we all go into the supermarket for 4 items and come out with 40 (20 of them for our cats!!)  :evillaugh: :rofl:

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Den

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I didn't go looking for a cat. Wasn't wanting one either,  just fell in love when he came into the place I was volunteering at. Best bit of falling in love i've ever done.

If I was looking I'm pretty confident he is exactly what I would be looking for.

lay me down, let me go, feeling heavy the ground is cold,
lay me down take it slow I'm ready to stumble, sing & then swing low
~Use your mutant powers, just talk people to death~

Offline Rosella moggy

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After Gandolf died, we went to Cramar Rescue to find another cuddly Black or B&W pud to fill the gaping hole that he left. We came away with stunningly beautiful Aslan RIP (tabby) and his crazy sidekick Billy Whiz (black).  

When Aslan died in RTA a few months later, a very distressed Rosella went to RSPCA to find his "twin" and discovered a frightened slightly scruffy smelly white fella with tabby splodges; Freddie my gorgeous angel.

When not looking at all, JS rescued a beautiful tabby princess advertised in freebies and I weedled Noni Baroni away from her  :)

Then OH suggested it would be nice to have 2 black boy kitties so I had a quick peek at rescue pages on here and wouldn't you know it Angie (Covcats) had just posted about this little family rescued from Brum where we live and we now have Millie and Ruby (OK so they're girls)... oh yeh and their ma Dinah  :-[  

No one should ever think they stand much chance of ending up with the pud they think they want  :)

Offline Kirst

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Went looking for a long haired kitten , eitehr a riggie  , birman or something similar.

Adopted TWO ginger and whiten kittens , one semi longhaired and the other lean and shorthaired. :evillaugh:

Offline Wibblechick

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All my cats have come to me, except for little Tabitha Twitchit.

After Gizmo died I was absolutely lost - he'd been with me through so much and some horrible times.  That little bundle of purr knew all my secrets..... 

I happened to be passing the vet - went in for a brief "hello" and to scrounge a handfull of tissues - I couldnt go past there without feeling so sad .....

They told be about a stray that had been brought in - no chip, no collar and despite a lot of trying, no home lined up. 

She was too old to be attractive to a lot of potential owners (She was about 10 they reckoned) so .......

She came to live with me.

Bless her - she was so different from Gizmo she was just what I needed.  I had her for 4 years until heart problems became too much for her.  She was my last kitty until Mr T strolled in to my life  :Luv2:

« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 11:43:29 AM by Wibblechick »
People Power Works!!!

Offline Christine (Blip)

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I went to rescue kennels looking for a dog and took the cowards way out; I couldnt bear to look, told the woman to bring me the one who had been their the longest that no one else wanted,

Likewise and for the same reason - when I first spoke to the rescue lady I asked for whomever had been with her longest.  Blip had been there for six months, constantly overlooked because she was small, shy and black and white.
I'm a member of the British Humanist Association, the national charity supporting and representing people who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs

Online Susanne (urbantigers)

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When I got Jaffa and Magpie, I just wanted 2 kittens (had to be kittens as they were going to be indoor cats - I didn't know about FIV cats etc then or might have considered offering a home to an adult cat who neede to be kept indoors).  I favoured black and white and wasn't keen on long hairs or gingers.  I came home with a short haired ginger and a long haired black and white.  :innocent:  Jaffa chose me and then made me pick one of his brothers (I felt awful leaving one behind but no way could I have 3 cats in my flat).

With Mosi, I chose him in so far as I wanted a somali.  Wasnt' too worried about colour, although I think I favoured a usual/ruddy as that is the most popular colour and the commonest colour.  I needed one with the right temperament to get on with Jaffa too.  I ended up with a bolsy red head.


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