At our meeting last night , our treasurer and his wife expressed their intentions of standing down and not offering their services - they did this last year and I think this time they mean it!
This means we need volunteers for the above roles.
Treasurer - needs to keep tabs of income/expenditure , go to the building society to pay in / get cheque for vets bills. Deal with charity commission returns and getting accounts signed off at year end. Send out receipts for donations. Will need to attend the meetings in Coventry on a friday evening evry 6 to 8 weeks to present latest accounts and receive bills/homing forms from us and get cheque issue forms signed.
membership/newsletter - these are both being done by maggie (though I can't remember a newsletter being produced this year - we used to do 2 a year). Membership is simply sending out renewals and keeping a membership list I think. The newsletter involves nagging the group for articles twice a year (though I'm sure some of the articles can be nabbed from the blog I do for the telegraph) and producing and sending out to the membership. It is not as important for this person to attend the meetings.
Currently both of these people are trustees and I'm not sure if they wish to give this up as well and obviously this is not a requirement of the roles anyway.
Any takers?