Hi Ellie
Billy and Tom are getting along fine now but Freddie is very much kept at arms length by the two of them. Thanks for asking.
It's such a shame as Freddie only wants to play but I'm afraid he completely lacks any feline social skills. He really doesn't have a clue when it comes to slow blinking, turning his head away etc. He just launches himself whenever either of them make a move so they have taken to slow motion movements and staying in their catbeds or under the chest of drawers.
At least he is roaming around the house now rather than holed up with me in the spare bedroom at night (that lasted 5 bloomin weeks, I must be mad). Having said that he chased Tom once too often yesterday so we were holed up together again last night. We absolutely love him to bits tho as he's soooooo cute but really very dim. Of course it doesn't help that Billy is the brightest star which just makes Freddie seem even dimmer!
I know everything will be OK eventually of course. It just takes time.... Perhaps Billy might give him a few lessons in cat etiquette, hopefully before his claws grow back (all clipped 4 weeks ago)?
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