For a few weeks now OH's Mum has been talking about a cat that seems to live at her workplace. She (they think) is always there first thing in the mornings, when the first person comes through the front door, in she trots, a lot of the time she will just settle down out the back in an office no-one ever uses. They feed her occaisionly but not on a regular basis. She says that the cat isn't really underweight but at the same time, she is very friendly so could just be getting food at various nice peoples houses.
She is starting to get worried as the cat is always there and I think she's got a bit attached. She was saying yesterday that she picked her up (she's never had cats and isn't really used to them especially picking them up) but the cat was good as gold and just purred in her ear! She was asking what the best way was to see if she actually has a home somewhere, as she has no collar and is always either in or outside of her workplace when its open.