Took Jeannie to the vet last night cos she has ripped one of her claws, and asked the vet to check her bladder in case there was an infection making her wee quite a lot, as bloods ruled out kidneys and diabetes. She felt her bladder, and then looked 'down below' for any signs, and asked 'why does this cat have a penis?' - well, that was a shock, as we thought she was a girl. But yep, she definitely does have one!! That isn't too bad in itself, not the first mis-sexed cat, and wont be the last.
However, my vets first comment on seeing Jeannie yesterday was 'what a lovely TORTIE'!! Vet has never seen a moggie male tortie, so unless 'she' is really a black cat with odd pigmentation, it appears I have a male tortie!! Have to say she is an unusual tortie, not as brindled as a normal dark tortie.
Good job she is deaf, and has no idea she has been called by a girls name. I am continuing to call her a she, can't get my head round her being a boy after she has been here nearly 3 months. We are trying to work out whether the vet sexed her initally, or we all just assumed that a black and ginger cat was a girl.