I cant believe i have had my little monster, I mean cat
for a year now.
He was my first attempt at fostering and that lasted for as long as it took him to get on my lap err now lets see.. about an hour
and I dont think hes been on it since!
I found him on catchat and it was the description that caught my eye, a very very friendly cat which he is when it suits him and I was also hoping it would make my other two nervous cats Leo and Larry see that us hoomans can be trusted. Well im pleased to say this worked a treat with Leo who has become a really friendly cat, often sleeping on our bed and he even let my husband pick him up the other day, something we would have never been able to do this time las year. As for Larry well we can stroke him but as for picking him up I value my fingers too much but I live in hope
Here are a couple of pictures
on the day he arrived