Author Topic: my will not go outside  (Read 2193 times)

Offline tillywilly

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Re: my will not go outside
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2009, 09:17:24 AM »
Thanks for that

I feel much better, your right about the vets


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Re: my will not go outside
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2009, 19:24:40 PM »
Thanks Catbird
I worried in the summer when she disapeared for hours, I just like to worry I guess.
I'am sure your right she will go out when she is ready, I'll be more relaxed.
Thanks again

We all worry, all of us, all the time.  This is why vets are obscenely rich.  Even if she decides she's prefer an indoor life, you'll still worry - her poos are too solid, to loose, too absent.  She's not eating enough, too much, not at all.  She's been asleep to long, she never sleeps.  Did she eat those headache pills you left out?  Did you eat them?  Did you even have a headache?  Do you now?

Worry usually proves two things:

1. You care for and love your cat
2. Your cat can manipulate your feelings like a pro.

It's Friday, open a beer and relax...and then start wondering when she last had a pee  ;)


Offline tillywilly

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Re: my will not go outside
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2009, 18:54:38 PM »
Thanks Catbird
I worried in the summer when she disapeared for hours, I just like to worry I guess.
I'am sure your right she will go out when she is ready, I'll be more relaxed.
Thanks again


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Re: my will not go outside
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2009, 18:50:25 PM »
Hi Tillywilly,

Would it be possible just to leave it to her?  Maybe she just needs some time where she feels safe in her own home with her human?  If she senses your anxiety (and they are good at that) it may make her even more fearful of the outside - ie she might think "uh-oh, my human, who always looks out for me, is REALLY nervous about this outdoors thing, there must be something scary out there, I'd best stay in".  This is not to say that any of this is your fault but it might be resolved more quickly if you appear totally unconcerned about the whole thing.  Just a thought.


Offline tillywilly

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Re: my cat will not go outside
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2009, 18:38:41 PM »
still very worried, she still will not go - out it's been 10 days now.
She did manage 40 mins the other morning, but if she does she sits on the door step or goes out for 5 mins, nothing like she used to. 
And still wants to use her litter, which is fine, but very out of character.  She seems fine, but still very clingy.

Offline Sonnie

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Re: my will not go outside
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2009, 08:15:10 AM »

we had this problem with one of ours.I found that going out with him helped.
Even if its just for a couple of minutes,
Co-co was freaked out once when next door bought a new kitty, who was a lot more confident and boystrous, (if thats how its spelt!)

I went out with Cokes, just stood at the door, while he wondered about, then when we was confident enough, he gave me a lil-glance over his shoulder and went running off bird catching!

I just think that with you around, furbaby will be a little more confident.

Offline blackcat

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Re: my will not go outside
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 09:05:50 AM »
yes, if something nasty happens outside (even if they are not involved in it personally) they will become a little more cautious in their adventuring for a while. The clingy-ness is just her way of letting you know she appreciates the safety you provide. She will build up her confidence over time and will be back to normal unless the 'threat' recurs too soon ...

Offline tillywilly

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my will not go outside
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 08:55:50 AM »
Has anyone come across the following??

I have a female neutered cat who loved to go out, to much she would go hunting for hours on end.

I was away last Tuesday but my husband said there was a cat fight in the area and 5 mins later she came in, he said she did not seem upset.

I came back and she has clung to me, she will not go out, she is using her litter tray fine, but up untill this she ALWAYS went out to do her bussiness.

Can you believe it I've just noticed her crossing the close to go into the woods, I hope for longer than 5 mins but no more than an hour!

Has anyone elses cat had their confidence knocked outside, can I do anything to help her?

I'am so happy she has finaly gone out, maybe it will take  afew days, I need to stop worring.


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