Thanks for all the nice comments
I just have a few questions, I don't really know much about white cats so am I right to think that she may be deaf?,
She isnt pure white as she has about 4 black hairs on her head!
I am hoping on keeping her in with Twinkle permanantly as Star my gourgous gray bengal cross got run over and I couldnt bear to go through that again, at the moment Twinkle does go out, I tried to keep her in but she kept sneaking out so I gave up!, but I know once we get Belle that she will have to stay in as Belle may try to follow her
So hopefully Belle will not be in the Sun unless I decide to let them out
Another question..... I went to Pets at home yesterday and I was asking about kitten food, the girl who served me said to feed them both kitten food and that it would be okay for Twinkle to eat the same as the I bought a multipack of whiskas kitten and Twinkle has started on it today (just to get used to it) I do feel sorry for Belle though as Twinkle loves her food and she may have a fight on her hands