sasa came to me 3 and half years ago with misa fron cp, they had never met before but got on fron day one.
she was found living amongst ferals and they hqd tried rehoming her twice but each time she had been brought back cos she bit and scratched, i dont know if those homes had children but suspect they did. i guess she was chosen cos she looks so nice. she had been kept in a semi outside cage for at least a year and the cp lady was so scared of her she would not go near her but i was able to stroke her, although she cowed as far back in her basket as possible but didnt have anywhere else to go.
they were not entirely honest with me about her cos they wanted to home her so bad and should have suspected a rat cos they gave her to me cos she was by then reguarded as unhomeable, along with misa who had been saved by a vet from being pts. he is terrified of all people except me.
sasa was doing quite well with me and i could stroke her as long as she was on the stairs and two stairs above me but i had to go back to london to hospital and sasa and misa had to go in cattery. i didnt have transport so had very little choice but the person running the cattery seemed very nice. i explained that she was semi-feral and also that misa was scared of people but if she got to know misa a little each day he would probably get friendly.
to cut the story short, the cattery was terrible and both were tramatised after and sasa broke through the catflap the night she came home and went missing for a week. however one of my neighbours had seen both misa and sasa in his garden and despite me telling him not to go near her , tried to catch her!
after 5 days of terrible weather i noticed misa slipping out the flap as it went from light to dusk and then she appeared with him at the bottom of the garden and after two days she came in to stay and found her sleeping on her sofa.
i have not been able to touch her since and have to trap her to get her to the vets but then i am allowed to stroke her when she is cornered or on the vet table. luckily my vets are very good with her and are the cp vets so deal with ferals, she now forgives me quite quickly after a trip when she cries pityfully the whole time but we always have her rushing out the flap for a few hours as a protest.
a behaviourist helped me to get her to a point where she will eat out of my hand but i have to go to her cos she wont come to me and that has stayed with her as long as i do not push it. we had to stop cos the training was all based around food and misa was getting so stressed not being able to graze and me too.
i keep hoping that she will suddenly start to trust me again but not so far. she has times when she seems a little better but it takes about a year to get there and then its vet time again......sigh.
while my bro visited both misa and sasa hid for the whole day and asoon as he stepped out of the house they were out again. its so frustrating but i was told by the behaviourist that they had to iniate the actions and neither of them will. misa will come to me and is so gentle but has a very bad life before coming here and nearlt attacked me wheb he first saw me in a hat........back on his hind legs teeth barred growling and ready to go for me, it was really scary. now he is ok except if i pick up a can and then he runs for his life and hides,
both of them flinch at unexpected noises or hands or feet so reckon both have been hit or kicked at one time.
its so sads that cats should be scared even when they are now safe and have been for over 3 yrs and it seems that the memory doest go away.