Thanks guys
We did meet his mother, she was just a black moggie like him. His father was their neighbours cat apparently and she said he is also just a moggie. Although she can't be certain of that unless she actually saw them mate because she let her unspayed female play outside! It wasn't actually someone we know personally, a friend of a friends sister or something and it was mentioned to us while we were out one night that these kittens needed homes so my mum offered to take one. He was parted from his mum at 8 weeks, it may have been 9 weeks when he came here and that was the very start of December 07
He is fine with Smirnoff, he has pushed his luck a few times but then thought the better of it and run away! They generally get on ok, mostly stay out of each others way but will both sleep on the end of my bed together and will eat together. She accepted him very well, to be honest she didn't seem to care at all and has never shown aggression towards him. She has swiped at him a few times like if she is sleeping and he is trying to catch her tail. But we haven't had any of that for a long time now so he must have learned!
I have four outdoor rabbits. Hunter is allowed nowhere near them, I won't risk it because the rabbits would seriously hurt him if he was to suddenly pounce on them. They have secure runs outside and when they are free range in the garden he stays in the house so he doesn't actually interact with them. And they only spend time in my room or the living room and while they are inside Hunter plays elsewhere and the door is shut
I also have six rats. Two old boys who are in my room at the moment while I keep a close eye and a group of four downstairs in the dining room. He also doesn't have access to the rats at all. When they are free ranging the door is shut which again is usually my bedroom or the living room
He doesn't show much interest in them at all really, he won't sit and watch them or anything. Like when I am feeding the rats he will come over and check out whats in the bowl I am putting in and not even look at the rats waiting at the cage door
Only two of the rats arrived here after him, so its nothing new that he has had to adjust too with new animals suddenly living here after he knew it was his home
Those two rats that came after him just went straight into the cage with my other two boys so nothing has changed really since the day he got here regarding other pets
Living here there is me, my mum and my two brothers. He gets on fine with all of us. He isn't picky at all about who's lap he wants to sleep in or anything
I wouldn't say any of us have ever played rough with him even when he was a kitten. He has had all the usual toys like rattle balls/pop up tents/crinkly tunnels/toy mice/scratching post/fishing rod toys and so on but we have never had like play fights with either Smirnoff or Hunter. Any playing would have been with the fishing rod toys like just dragging them on the floor while he catches the end or rolling a ball along the floor
Yeah I know they are so good at telling you when to stop with the attention, only really mentioned that as an example of him being ok with us in that he allows us to rub his tummy and stuff. He is very outgoing, not nervous at all and really does love attention from us. Like I said the aggression is aimed at pretty much anything like a rug on the floor or the paper bin, only really us if we happen to walk past him at the wrong time
Thanks for the link I will take a read of that. I know showing fear is probably the worst thing we can do! We aren't actually showing it in our actions he is still getting the same amount of cuddles as he always has but it is there and im sure he has picked up on it x