Well, i tried to follow Winston when he went outside to go to the loo ( he hates being confined and using a litter tray -as he is already stressed at the moment i have let him out ) - as he realised i was following him ( with a torch !) he shot off and went in someones garden , luckily no-one was in so i followed him - he only had a wee !
I waited, followed him and then he shot off like a bat out of hell with me following ! But , he ducked under a neighbours gate ( one of his favourite toilet places !!) and into her back garden - well, i couldn''t do that and debated climbing the fence - but as she was in and her back light would have comeon -i decided not to .
He came back after about 15 mins and i checked his trousers and they were clean - so hoping its cleared up .
His ears aren''t warm .
I also mixed some of this food in with some felix and he ate a few mouthfuls -but theres no fooling him and he left most of it !
I have a piece of fish in the freezed ( usually as a saturday treat ) - i could get that out and cook it for him or thaw a few prawns - but will the prawns be too rich !?
Talk about mad catwoman running behind cat , in the dark with a torch shining up his back end, in neighbours gardens !