These girls are teenagers and I quite agree that it's not a good idea just to pick up cats. However, because of my limited French I was not able to understand the whole story and frankly, I just reacted to the apparent need to house the kitten at least temporarily. I'm going to try to get more details today and if possible, I will have the girls return to the area with posters but, I don't have high hopes. Yes, they do chip cats here but, he's very young and I can't feel a chip in his neck. ( here, they insert the chip in the side of the neck and it's usually possible to feel it). I will take him to the vet next week to check if he does have one, plus I will leve my details with them in case someone is looking. I've been going to spend time with him and he's naturally rather skittish however, eventually he will sit on my lap and purr. I'm gong to carry him downstairs and introduce him to my guys to at least see their reaction. I won't let him loose though until I'm sure he will be safe with them. If all else fails , the shelter that I have in mind is very good, they will keep him until he finds a new home.