Author Topic: Hip Dyplasia in Kittens.  (Read 1534 times)

Offline moonstone

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Re: Hip Dyplasia in Kittens.
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2008, 12:18:36 PM »
Blackcat you have made some very valid points :)I asked my vet for his opinion whether he thought the insurance would cover Hetty,s condition as she was obviously born with it so it could be a pre existing condition :(if so then i will have to pay myself if she has to have surgery :(
She WILL be a housecat as i have lots of foxes here and they will kill her >:(I have an 18 year old cat and she is also a housecat as the foxes will take her given half a chance >:(
I think i need to discuss her condition further with my vet as i have lots of questions i need answers to :shify:he didn't seem to bothered about her as he thinks that she will improve :naughty:I so hope that he is right :naughty:

Offline blackcat

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Re: Hip Dyplasia in Kittens.
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2008, 06:25:43 AM »
no harm in trying alternate therapies - another thing you may need to consider is keeping her as an indoor cat, rather than letting her outside, as she will have limited mobility and therefore be more vulnerable to threats like cars, foxes, horrible children etc. Cats can be very happy indoors if you make sure they have lots of 'enrichment' like towers, shelves, hidey holes, toys, company etc. Well done you for getting insurance, but you may still want to enquire more closely as to what is covered by it as that full disclosure clause is one they will adhere to very rigidly before they part with your money ...

Good to hear she has company and is being well-cared for.

Offline moonstone

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Re: Hip Dyplasia in Kittens.
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2008, 20:46:49 PM »
thanks for the reply   :thanks:hetty is insured :)and my vet has mentioned surgery although he has said that it,s a long way off yet with her :(
I got her at 12 weeks old and she was in very poor condition which my vet thinks is probably the cause of her condition(i have reported the neighbour,s who allowed their four un-neutered cats to live together,my kits being the result)
I have her two sisters who i took at 6 weeks they had cat flu so needed urgent treatment :(all have now been vaccinated and are now in good health apart from Hetty,s rear end :(
She is a very happy kit and i love her so much :Luv2: :Luv2:she eats well and manages to get into her litter tray :naughty:
I am thinking about try acupunture or Reiki to try to help her :naughty:

Offline blackcat

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Re: Hip Dyplasia in Kittens.
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2008, 20:35:03 PM »
having a dog with mild hip displasia, the critical thing seems to be to keep the weight to a manageable level as it relieves the stress on the joint. I have known dogs with quite severe displasia to have a rich and happy life - there was one used to share our dog park - a golden retriever, so quite a large dog. I have no experience of it with cats, but I imagine the rules would be the same. It is possible to intervene surgically to reduce the problem, but it would be very expensive so unless you already have insurance, you may want to look at less intrusive options.

Offline moonstone

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Hip Dyplasia in Kittens.
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2008, 20:31:28 PM »
Hi to you all :welcome:New here and i have a 4 month old kitten (female) who has Hip Dyplasia :(
I wonder if anyone else has a cat/kitten with this problem who could give me some advice whether my kitty (Henrietta) will ever be able to have a "normal" life :(
My vet saw her last week and has advised that she will improve but that it will take a long time :)she can get about but drags her back legs before managing to raise herself up to walk with a rolling gait :(
The vet gave her anti-inflammatry injections and i have to keep her on restricted exercise :((which she hates)she just wants
 to be with her sisters :-:
I would be grateful for any advice as i have never had this problem before despite being involved in rescue and owning many cats :shocked:


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