You may remember my neighbour who had 14 cats - 11 of them unneutered and Dawn gave me loads of time and help trapping and taking 9 of them leaving her with 5, 3 of whom were unneutered. I arranged with CP to have the three cats neutered, took her to the vet with them and sorted out collecting them. Well she just announced to one of my cat loving neighbours that Tigger the former troublesome Tom has been missing for 4 weeks. She has done nothing whatsoever to find him. I am really thinking of reporting her to rspca as her oldest cat, Shanda is like a walking skeleton and we have told her he needs the vet and two of us have offered to take her. She says he's fine. Also I haven't been back in the house but my guess is that the litter trays that were piled high with filthy litter haven't been emptied. So far as Tigger is concerned he must be dead or injured as he would no way let anyone touch him. It makes me so mad this woman shouldn't be allowed cats. Do you think I should report her?