Awww, thank you everyone! Yes the collars were a must from young so that they got used to them, They were a bit freaked for about 20 minutes then they were fine! Now I can hear where they are, so I don't lose them LOL and they don't seem to mind them at all.
They are doing really well, not THAT much in to going out at the moment, Pudding does (the stripy girl) but Beans (the spotty girl) is a baby and stays in. I want it so they spend a fair amount of time out of the house because they will have so much more fun out there but I understand the weather is bad at the moment too so....
I recently had trouble with them occasionally pooing just to the side of their box but I have changed their cat litter from wood based like nuggets that bread down to antibacterial grains? with litte blue bits in them and they haven't since I put this down... So that's good!
I'm sure I will post up anything else I need to know