I was very tempted to hold this back to Christmas Day but Alfie needs something new to keep him entertained and I thought, "what the heck, they don't really know it's Christmas why not let him have some fun with it now". Frankie doesn't invite play, he'll play when you invoke it by producing Da Bird or suchlike but Alfie actually miaows and darts around is if to say "play with me now!" and I was struggling to find something new that he'd enjoy and this has hit the spot for the time being. Going to have to buy some more AA bats today so as to have a stock, not sure how long they'll last, also off to a local pet shop lunchtime today to try and get two more of the large cardboard scratching pads that they like. I think it's quite well designed the random action seems to work the best with the unexpected changes of direction and speed.