I ordered the girls worming tablets on Friday and the nurse told me there was a note on Izzy's files that the vet wanted to check if her heart murmer was still there or not. I'd mentioned them being spayed and a previous nurse saying they could check for the murmur when I check them in for the op itself. Now they are saying I need a consultation costing £22.50 just for the vet to say yes its still there or not its gone! BEFORE they will book her in to be spayed.... can't believe it! Now I don't know whether to hang on until next month and go just before the op is due (they won't do it until they are 6 months old), just in case it takes a while for the mumrur to disappear! (if its going to at all) I'm sooooooo hoping its gone you see!!!
Vets must make a lot of money that's all I can say