hi philip, just a wee note to say that just because the cat shows the antibodies it doesn't meant that he/she actually has it. All it means is that they have come in contact with it at some point.
Do your cats go outside at all?? if so, then it kind of defeats the purpose of being super clean with the litter trays indoors to an extent.
Are you planning on scrubbing out the trays after every single use??? as realistically and in a multi cat household that's pretty impossible especially if you want to go out for a bit. Also, it is carried in the faeces which means that cats can get some on their paws and trail it round the house outside the litter box and even onto each other which they can then pick up in cleaning themselves....
I'm not trying to be pernickity (sp?) but rather to show that there are a lot of other elements to it. If the coronavirus count was low I genuinely wouldn't be worrying to excess as its more likely they have been exposed and got over it..... rather just keeping to a normal litter box hygiene otherwise you'll be scrubbing the entire house down with bleach / virkon daily.
In a rescue / pen environment this is obviously easier to implement daily... but I hope you can see where I am coming from. I just don't want you to be worrying excessively especially as there may be no real reason too.