I would be happy to do most things to be honest - cleaning out, grroming, spending time with the cats ideally but also happy to do home checks or update pages like cat chat (the rescue that I called only has one line on cat chat for instance - but maybe they don't need that awareness !)
I am not too good at fundraising so that would be my least fav thing to do lol!
I also encouraged my pal to volunteer at her local Cat Protection League as there rescue was at the back of her house - but she ended up in their shop two days a week. I don't think i would be too keen on that purely because I deal with the public every day with full time work and I don't think I could face it on the weekend too!
I actually do loads of volunteerring - have been on the children's panel for five years now, be-friending, youth volunteer, I am on my local neighbourhood council and the community council. However hoping to ease off with the community stuff and have finished up the youth stuff and I realise that finiancially and practically I am pushed to take on a third rescue cat just now so thought the next best thing would be to get involved with a local rescue as a volunteer if possibile!
Will see what comes of my e-mails but going by weather here this morning the two mile trek through open country at 8.30am after a 1 1/2 hour bus journey on a Saturday is not very appealing just now!