Author Topic: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?  (Read 10181 times)

Offline bunglycat

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #67 on: September 16, 2008, 23:03:49 PM »
Well i am confirmed single - me and the cats (5) all go to bed together -Winston has a cat bunkbed which has easy access to windowledge for morning sun - Smartie has my pillow with my head on it and sometimes puts his paw in my hand when i stroke him and then i fall asleep and am stiff the next day for sleeping funny - Bungly has the other Pillow , Sophie the middle of bed and FiFi  hasnt decided to come in there with me yet , but will sleep under the pillow till i go up to bed.

Scratching posts of all sizes all over the house + beds and igloo - I just  have a settee - good job i dont get many visitors !
Also not had holiday for 8 years as couldn''t trust anyone else to look after them , Smartie needs his tablets every day and also walks round howling if he can''t see me !
i have done the stying up all night and getting up every hour too if they are poorly - vet has all my money , but he is excellentwith them and don''t know what i will do if he retires as he must be nearly 70 now !
The cats are the love of my life - its a good job as i have no-one else and its not looking likely i would meet anyone else now - getting too long in the tooth as well !!! :rofl:

They would also be at the very bottom priority too , so can''t see anyone putting up with that just for me !! ;D  Luckily i am happy on my own - its just a bit hard when things get you down and no-one to turn to .

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #66 on: September 16, 2008, 20:04:40 PM »
We tend to sleep around the cats when they are on the bed and last night young Archie all of nearly 9 weeks finally mastered the stairs and slept with us as well as beijing, Sweetie, Puma, Peanut, Max, Amber, Brodie and finally Oscar - my back was killing me this morning but I felt Archie and beijing come on the bed and moved to accomodate them and keep them away from Sweetie who does like her space non invaded!

Went back to bed after Robin went to work and found one of our really nasty ferals Ace asleep against my back - the look on his face was priceless and then stroked a grey cat on the chair who proceeeded to lash out yup it was our newboy Blue not Shadow our other grey boy - must put glasses on when leaving bedroom!!!! :shocked: 
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #65 on: September 16, 2008, 18:57:05 PM »
Jameson sleeps in between my legs at bottom of the bed.  I have realised that, no matter how deep asleep I am, I can still sense when OH is about to put his leg over mine, so I automatically kick them away to shield Jameson from being kicked/squashed. I actually do it in my sleep - I can't believe that!!

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2008, 18:42:55 PM »
I thought of this thread just now. I wanted to give Alice some Orijen but realised it was on the window ledge in the garden (I was feeding a hungry neighbour cat) - I had one trainer on but Alice was rubbing her face against the other one. It was only when I was hopping in the garden, I realised how ridiculously pampered they are  :evillaugh:
My left leg is the weak one too  :evillaugh:

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #63 on: August 13, 2008, 21:37:12 PM »
i bought my house 6 1/2yrs ago especially for its location,a quiet cul-de-sac at the back and 2 miles of woodland as my front garden,then spent the next 6 months rescuing cats who were daft enough to think they could climb fir trees,never went for the oak trees which have lots of branches,one neighbour who thinks ive totally lost it   ;D even gave me an extending ladder so i wouldnt have to keep asking to borrow it , :evillaugh:
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #62 on: August 13, 2008, 20:36:51 PM »
Mark you know you bought it for the cats really!!!!!

I now buy cat things before human things and try and coordinate to match to thank god ours come in all colours, in our last house some bright spark really thought that our diningroom - all nice neutrals was decorated for our beloved Blonde ginger boy Haggis!!!!! :shocked:
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #61 on: August 12, 2008, 21:55:00 PM »
Thanks  :)

We should have realised it wouldn't be long before a cat claimed it  :evillaugh:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #60 on: August 12, 2008, 20:27:39 PM »
you should know better than to buy a picnic rug and think it's "yours" Mark  :rofl:. Now it's got a new design - the covered in cat hair look  :wow:
you have a lovely looking kitchen and floor too!

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #59 on: August 12, 2008, 16:32:14 PM »
Previously I posted about the suitcase that lives on the sofa in the kitchen. It has gone a step further. Clapton slept on it so Kylie refused to go back on it. She now has our brand new picnic rug on there  :evillaugh:

Notice Willow in some of the photos - for some reason she either didn't see Kylie or didn't care - unusual to have both of them in the same frame.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #58 on: August 09, 2008, 10:01:10 AM »
I've done a few in my time, and am one of those who regularly ends up sleeping in odd positions in order to accommodate the cats.  But this hot weather is making that difficiult.  I woke up at about 3am last night and Jaffa was snoozing in his usual spot to my right.  Mosi was lying on my legs but when he sensed I'd woken up, he came up to the top and curled up next to me on the sheet, with his head resting on the pillow.  Cute, but just too hot so I inched away from him (slowly trying not to let him realise I was moving away from him!  ;D)  Unfortunately, as I moved he just sort of stretched further into the middle of the bed to fill the space I was creating (in that way that only cats have!) so that I ended up with a tiny strip of bed in the middle, and my head on the crack between pillows.  I couldn't do anything with my arms other than clamp them by my side.  I ended up getting up to cool down and seriously considered sleeping on the sofa.  After about 10 mins I had another go and managed to fall asleep.  I did wake up with a bit of a crick in my neck though.  They were both still snoozing away either side of me.  Am I mad to actually consider sleeping on the sofa so that the cats can have the bed?  :rofl:  Has anyone actually done that?

Yes!  I've done that!  Well, thought about it, anyway.  Trouble is, if I forget to turn my duvet back up when I get home from work, all three of mine then go to sleep on the duvet where it's turned down, leaving half the bed bare.  So there I am, with just my feet under the duvet at the bottom of the bed, wearing my fleecy robe to try to keep warm!  :rofl:  I often find myself trying to sleep at an awkward angle, too, trying to find a route between my three furries who are all spread out snoozing away!

[Edit]  Oh, and this HAS to be the daftest thing .... I ... er ... had a male friend round with a bit of passion going on, you know .... but I didn't let him come to bed with me, and for no other reason except my cats would need to find somewhere else to sleep!!  :rofl:  I think I shall have to despair of finding a bloke unless he's happy to be put out at night!   :rofl:
« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 10:07:12 AM by Catjane »

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #57 on: August 08, 2008, 15:32:03 PM »
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew that's a relief, Frankie eats about the same as a panther cub and weighs about the same too :)


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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #56 on: August 08, 2008, 13:20:49 PM »
Max is nicknamed my pocket panther  :evillaugh:

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #55 on: August 08, 2008, 13:13:09 PM »
No not a real life big cat Leigh just a beautiful feral black boy - his sister is a flighty feral called Raven! :Crazy:
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #54 on: August 08, 2008, 10:35:48 AM »
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa did you say a "Feral Panther"?!!!!!

I know that Frankie's big, black and feline but not THAT big :)


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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #53 on: August 08, 2008, 09:50:38 AM »
your place does sound amazing, i'd love to see it!  maybe we should do a purrs field trip!

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #52 on: August 07, 2008, 20:50:00 PM »
He can come for a visit Lottie but his best pal the feral Panther would pine - they are currently in Sky's crate and Panther is hugging the boy and washing his face! :shocked:

Me thinks it would be a fun sight as SKy adores cats and really thinks all should be his friend we have a couple of exceptions but they don't like humans much either!!!!!!!!! :innocent: :shify:
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #51 on: August 07, 2008, 13:40:50 PM »
How many Clan Cats are there now Liz? I think I need to kidnap Sky No! to come and play with Pinball Stop!  :evillaugh:
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #50 on: August 07, 2008, 13:16:25 PM »
Sam  Linda isn't that far from me I have dscovered so may have to visit the bengalies and think of a kidnap mission with large handbag!

We do have 3 bedrooms with bathrooms that we don't use and 2 are reserved for friends that visit and bring their cats and dogs!

Yes that is one thing I am very lucky having is Robin and his love of the feline!!!!
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #49 on: August 06, 2008, 22:36:18 PM »
Liz do you have a spare (Robin or house would do)  :rofl: :rofl:

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #48 on: August 06, 2008, 22:33:13 PM »
Stop this torture................I am wishing wishing this could happen to me  ;D

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #47 on: August 06, 2008, 22:06:26 PM »
Liz your place sounds wonderful ... I'm now torn between being adopted by you and Linda (Bengalbabe) ... maybe I could do time share and spend 6 months with both of you  ;)

PLEASE adopt me  :scared:
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #46 on: August 06, 2008, 21:44:54 PM »
I have to say I'm very lucky as Robin gave me a budget and said find a house, well he then gave me more money to spend  :shocked: and this is the only house we looked at, came on Saturday, I hadn't even got half way down the track or through the electric gates when he said ok so I suppose this is it - the house could have been a tip but the location would have sold it, just lucky it is our dream home with all the extra spoace and more rooms than we will ever need

But above all peace of mind for our cats and dogs to play free and know that no one will hurt them

Our cats and the neighbours plus the dogs mean that noone speeds on the track - not good for the suspension - we have a few pot holes in really good spaces, and above all at night when I walk the dogs last hing with my trusty torch I see my outside mob starting to go to their respective beds by following the eyes, Sky is on his lead and they think poor Jazz the JRT is just another cat out for a nightly wander

Also no street lights and the sound of the stream babbling in the background mixed with the owls its wonderful! :)
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #45 on: August 06, 2008, 18:04:36 PM »
I love this thread and Marks picture made me  :rofl: :rofl:

Liz you sound like you have a great place and one that I could clearly move into  :shify: :shify: but no way could I afford the morgage

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #44 on: August 06, 2008, 17:56:29 PM »
I think you win hands down Liz  :bow: :loon: :bow: ... but you know it's worth it and you will definitely go to heaven  ;)

Sounds like she's already in heaven to me  ;D

This is becoming a regular thing for me now - Mosi trying to snuggle up to me.  He even gets in before I've fallen asleep sometimes.  He used to wait until I was asleep, or even until I woke up in the morning, before coming for his morning cuddle but now he cant wait.  Despite that, I woke up yesterday morning to find no cats on the bed and actually felt quite upset that they'd deserted me!  :rofl:

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #43 on: August 06, 2008, 11:02:10 AM »
Liz, maybe you should get a mattress customised to almost fit an entire room, then all of you could sleep (or try to sleep  ;)) on it at once (super king size sounds a wee bit small for 10  :rofl:). Sheets - ahem, about 5 sewn together and multiple duvets....give a whole new meaning to 'bedroom'  :wow:
seriously, it sounds lovely where you are. We've all sold our souls and more to banks but some of us are in london flats and need permission to keep cats  :P  :P !

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2008, 21:01:02 PM »
I think you win hands down Liz  :bow: :loon: :bow: ... but you know it's worth it and you will definitely go to heaven  ;)
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2008, 20:30:51 PM »
When we moved 2 years ago our considerations were as follows:

Somewhere Rural
Very few neighbours or none close enough to be annoying
Well away from any sort of road
Some woods for the cats to play in
Large garden for the unbrave cats who don't do woods
Enough space in the house for the house cats to have more than 2 rooms for the day time
Somewhere we could have all our cats with no complaints of how many!

We did get our rual idyll but now have a mortgage which in this current climate is very hard - we sold our souls to Nat West!
We got a Vet who treats our mob like their own - not hard really we visit every month at least once and thats just  for normal stuff
The House Cats have all the space and more throught he day with over half the house to themselves
The Outdoor cats have so much space and a lovely conservatory which is always warm even in winter when there is no heating on
Our 3 legged Hooligan Maverick now has the same access rights as the indoor/outdoor mob with access to the 2 entry points :shocked:
The Dogs have a wonderful run formerly known as our double garage :evillaugh:
We gained a lot of dumped cats and our single garage and former childs wendy house are feeding stations complete with heatpads in the winter - on a snowy night I am the nutter out walking the diogs and putting heat pads in the wendy house at 11.30pm so they won't be cold!

All in all we share our bed with about 10 most nights - more in the winter though - we are now at Super Kingsize and most mornigs are hellish to get up without trying to disturb the sleeping cats - back takes more time to be mobile, housework in done on a 2 week cycle the house and working full time is just to much and got to fit in Tennis with Sky but all in all I wouldn't change things apart form the mortgage and a Domestic lady would be wonderful!  :Crazy:
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2008, 13:37:47 PM »
Having driven over 10 hours all in one go from Pinball's breeders house all the way back up here I then slept on the floor in the study with him on his first night here and got no sleep at all as he wouldn't stop screaming as he was really nervous being away from all of his brothers and sisters.

Other than that I'm not too bad really, the cats aren't allowed in the bedroom (they have their own room) so I don't have any issues with them pushing me out of bed at night (and my OH would just kick them out of bed anyway!) and they aren't allowed on the new sofa so no problems with me not being able to move when I'm sitting down! Thereagain that does mean that I tend to sit on the floor a bit more than most people  :evillaugh:
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #39 on: August 05, 2008, 13:19:45 PM »
I of course get the usual odd sleeping positions (two cats and me in a single bed - not good  :rofl:) and the not moving in case I disturb a cat on my knee. The house I was supposed to be buying last year was chosen specifically for the benefit of the cats and when I do get to buy of course that will be the priority. I think my best ones were when I had Sophie who, due to her being slightly brain damaged, couldn't jump up on my bedroom windowsill as she couldn't get high enough and had a tendency to fall over. Many's the time she woke me up in the middle of the night or very early morningsqueaking in my ear so that I would heave myself up, pick her up and place her on the windowsill so she could look out of the window :rofl: She used to shout at me to be up on the kitchen bench too and I duly lifted her up on there no matter what I was in the middle of.

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2008, 20:51:45 PM »
Well I guess I'm a confirmed batchelor. I can just picture it now, after a lovely evening of me missing my puds and hurrying home to check on their welfare, my dream date and I arrive back at my place for an intimate candle lit dinner for five. We gaze lovingly at each other over a glass of chilled champagne, our eyes meet, violins start to play softly when Frankie uses his litter tray very noisily, Suzie is sick all over the bed and Alfie jumps up onto the table and knocks the champers all over her designer dress which is now liberally covered in cat hair. How could any girl resist!!??  ;D



Sounds like quite a good night to me Leigh!  ;)
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2008, 19:12:33 PM »
Well I guess I'm a confirmed batchelor. I can just picture it now, after a lovely evening of me missing my puds and hurrying home to check on their welfare, my dream date and I arrive back at my place for an intimate candle lit dinner for five. We gaze lovingly at each other over a glass of chilled champagne, our eyes meet, violins start to play softly when Frankie uses his litter tray very noisily, Suzie is sick all over the bed and Alfie jumps up onto the table and knocks the champers all over her designer dress which is now liberally covered in cat hair. How could any girl resist!!??  ;D



Hmmmm,. you have just described my dating routine when I was in my 20s. Although in my case the eye-gazing would start over the last glass of wine at the restaurant and I would then dash off home to make sure the puds were safe and snug, leaving the lad sitting wondering why he hadn't scored ... and people ask me why I am single !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2008, 19:07:42 PM »
 :rofl: @ Leigh  :evillaugh:

It is catching as I just went upstairs and saw that OH had laid a jumper that was an xmas gift from me over the chair for Kylie  :Crazy:
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 19:08:10 PM by Mark »

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2008, 19:07:41 PM »
Yep, cats really do know how to set the mood, Leigh!

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2008, 16:04:01 PM »
Well I guess I'm a confirmed batchelor. I can just picture it now, after a lovely evening of me missing my puds and hurrying home to check on their welfare, my dream date and I arrive back at my place for an intimate candle lit dinner for five. We gaze lovingly at each other over a glass of chilled champagne, our eyes meet, violins start to play softly when Frankie uses his litter tray very noisily, Suzie is sick all over the bed and Alfie jumps up onto the table and knocks the champers all over her designer dress which is now liberally covered in cat hair. How could any girl resist!!??  ;D


« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 16:04:51 PM by LeighK »
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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2008, 15:38:03 PM »
I've always said you can tell a real cat person by the crick in their neck (and the hairs on their clothes of course)  :rofl:  When I met OH he wasn't really a cat person - he had nothing against them but just hadn't been initiated.  Now he sleeps on a 6 inch strip of bed just like the rest of us if Korky decides thats the way it should be.  He also gets up as requested at ridiculously early hours of the day to do cat breakfast.  Korky very quickly learned that while I can sleep through anything OH can't!

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2008, 15:25:44 PM »
that puts a completely different light on it - obviously Sam needs you home every night for the next six months or so!!!

LOL!  :rofl:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2008, 15:17:50 PM »
that puts a completely different light on it - obviously Sam needs you home every night for the next six months or so!!!

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2008, 15:15:52 PM »
even better, if he knows you well he'll know how important the cats are to you, I'm sure he reschedule

Heres the thing - not sure I really want to LOL!  :evillaugh:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2008, 15:14:16 PM »
even better, if he knows you well he'll know how important the cats are to you, I'm sure he reschedule

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: What's the daftest thing you've done to accommodate your puds?
« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2008, 15:13:10 PM »
if he was a nice man he'd understand Gillian

He is, we go back a long way, but worlds apart when it comes to the cats!  ;)


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