Author Topic: Bringing in live mice  (Read 2755 times)

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2008, 17:25:27 PM »
Gillian with all of your kitties to look after you must be too :tired: to move things.   That's my excuse anyway  :rofl: :rofl:

Yep! I wish I'd known about the frog though - poor little thing.  :( that'll teach me to move things more often and check for anything live.  I won't tell you the colour of the water after cleaning my carpets though!  :sick:

Offline Topsy Turvey

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2008, 16:58:01 PM »
Gillian with all of your kitties to look after you must be too :tired: to move things.   That's my excuse anyway  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline likabu

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2008, 15:44:05 PM »
......a poor mummified frog  :( 

 :sick: Bleuch


Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2008, 15:41:06 PM »
Well yesterday I gave the carpets a really good hoover in readiness for the Rug Doctor carpet cleaner today - and moved the cats huge cat tower (luckily on castors!) and discovered......a poor mummified frog  :(  I really must clean under there more often!  :innocent:

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2008, 15:12:39 PM »
Jameson catches mice almost every day. He used to bring them indoors... fingers crossed it's been a while. He is usually happy to play with them in the garden. I've made up a rule, that if I see him play with a mouse that is still alive, I will rescue the mouse and set it free. If it's half dead/nearly gone I'll let him get on with it/call OH to finish it off.

Worst things to date includes waking up to birds flapping around in our bedroom, and Jameson bringing in a pigeon bigger than him that I had to finish off cos OH was out!!!! >:(
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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2008, 10:32:49 AM »
Buddy is always catching things and tries to bring them in the house, sometimes he succedds. One time both my cats were going mad and scratching at the walls and I couldn't understand why they were doing it. I soon found out the next day. In my kitchen I keep my boxes of beads and things in, they are all clear plastic with draws at the front. Well what had made it's home in of of my boxes, a mouse, and when hubby took the box outside he also found three dead baby mice inside. She'd given birth inside my box needless to say the boxes went in the bin.

That is really sad  :'(

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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2008, 09:49:41 AM »
two dead one live, one of the dead ones became a bit of snack for Oscar but at least I didn't have to find a place to put it

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2008, 17:05:09 PM »
Oh No Dawn!  Was it still alive?  :naughty: YIKES!

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2008, 09:09:32 AM »
had a rotton night for mice last night, of my four cats three came in with one, Star came up to our bed with hers at 1 in the morning!

Offline likabu

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2008, 18:19:51 PM »
  If I'm not in she leaves them in my slippers.

Thank goodness she doesn't bring mice in then or you would have a shock when you put your slippers on!!


Offline littlekitty

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2008, 18:18:55 PM »
Buddy is always catching things and tries to bring them in the house, sometimes he succedds. One time both my cats were going mad and scratching at the walls and I couldn't understand why they were doing it. I soon found out the next day. In my kitchen I keep my boxes of beads and things in, they are all clear plastic with draws at the front. Well what had made it's home in of of my boxes, a mouse, and when hubby took the box outside he also found three dead baby mice inside. She'd given birth inside my box needless to say the boxes went in the bin.
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Offline lilynmitz

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2008, 14:39:16 PM »
  :)My tiny Lily is too little and too lazy to catch mice (thank heaven) so she brings catnip toys and piles them at my feet, bless her, meowing all the way like she's just brought home a rabbit! If I'm not in she leaves them in my slippers.

Offline dabs

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2008, 10:05:28 AM »
My older cats frequently bring in live prey and drop it in front of any kittens that I may have in. Fun and games then ensues as the said litten then looks at me as if to say "No felix today then" the older cat looks at me with a don't you dare look on his or her face and then we are scrabbling looking for the said mouse while the feline family look on in amusement. Sometimes not funny at 6am on a Sunday morning. Then we have the issue of being bitten by mousey as I cup my hands around him, ungrateul blighter!

Also don't forget that cats think we need to be taught to hunt as well and I have had many dead, dying or still kicking placed at my feet. I accompany this kind gesture with a "That's lovely, thank you, but I have had my tea, can I have it for supper." This when said in the garden, just confirms to the neighbours that I am totally mad.
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Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2008, 21:56:46 PM »
Well at least you now know where it is. :Luv2:

Offline catalyst

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2008, 21:52:14 PM »
Turns out that the mouse did not excape outside. Back from walking the dog we return to the dead mouse in the paws of the kitty. Poor mousey but thats the way of it.

Offline likabu

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2008, 21:14:55 PM »
Yoda likes to bring me mice - I can tell before I see him now if he has a mouse for me as he yowls for me to come see what he has got.  So far they have got away unscathed as once he deposits them by my feet they scurry away.  He must have a really soft mouth.

I love him loads but I do wish he would lay off the "presents" for me!


Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Bringing in live mice
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2008, 21:01:23 PM »
Oooh I'm sorry but I have to laugh! :rofl:  My cat, named Hunter does that same thing.  It is awful so I do find some comfort knowing that I am not the only one who has this problem.  It has happened several times to me.  I even had to have my son pull out my built-in dishwasher because I had a RAT behind it that had given birth.  I knew I had the rat but I did not know that there were babies until the dish washer came out and about 4 or 5 of them ran!  I about pee'd my pants and was jumping on one foot screaming!  :rofl:

Then just last week I caught Hunter bringing in another LIVE rat but I caught him just at the cat flap.  I took him out to the patio with the live rat still in his mouth and he dropped the darn thing and it ran in between the sliding glass door and screen and got stuck!  I finally had to remove the screen door and managed to scoop the rat into a bucket and tossed him back over the fence into the canyon.  I don't have any solutions as to how to stop this behavior, as they are just being good cats.  Maybe I should not have named my cat HUNTER?  :rofl:   

Hunter was quite proud of his catch and was rolling on his back trying to play with it still while it was trapped in between the glass and the screen!

Offline catalyst

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Bringing in live mice
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2008, 19:32:50 PM »
Milo my older cat brings in the odd dead mouse and leaves them as presents for us on the kitchen floor. Not really bothered about it much. Since getting our new kitty they have become great pals. Sleeping together and cleaning each other.

Today for the first time ever Milo brought a live mouse back to the house! He dropped it on the floor next to Pagan where she began to play about with it! I was on the phone at the time and all hell broke loose as the dog began to get on in the action  :cheer: It ended up with the mouse escaping (hopefully outside and not up the hall way!).

Is this Milo trying to bring things back for Pagan? To teach her?


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