Author Topic: Very Aggressive Cat  (Read 2165 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Very Aggressive Cat
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2008, 07:05:15 AM »
Hi Lillykit, and welcome to Purrs.  Was just admiring Blade in his plant pot.  :)  He's very handsome, but it sounds like he's well named.  It does seem like it may be more of a potential brain health issue, but it's so hard to tell with things like that when you have a rescue cat, because you often don't know the cat's history from kittenhood, although I appreciate in Blade's case, you've had him from just over two months' old.    I do hope it's something he grows out of, but I think it might be worth having another chat with your vet to air your concerns about his behaviour in the event you do decide to start a family.   :hug:

Offline lilly_kitt

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Re: Very Aggressive Cat
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2008, 19:44:39 PM »
Thats abit how he is, you can just tell by the look in his eye that you're going to get it.  He's quite a funny little thing, I think he has a touch of OCD as when he comes into the bathroom he has to have the airing cupboard door open.  he doesn't get in it, its like a little ritual that has to be done as soon as he comes in.   :wow:

Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: Very Aggressive Cat
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2008, 19:35:41 PM »
I lived with a cat once who wasn't mine  but when he was very young a glass top of a coffee table had fallen on him damaging his skull. This left him a little bit brain damaged and one of the ways it would manifest itself was unprovoked attacks on people. He would just turn for no reason. You had to try and distract him in some way to make him snap out of it as he would go for your legs if you weren't careful. Wasn't often but was very strange, he would just get this look in his eye.

Offline lilly_kitt

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Re: Very Aggressive Cat
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2008, 19:26:56 PM »

I have mentioned it to our vets on several occasions as they have had to sedate him many many times when he has had to have his dressings changed in the past (he was attacked by a dog in may), he quite infamous up there for his behaviour.   :shify:

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Very Aggressive Cat
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2008, 19:22:04 PM »
I would get him checked by the vet - my second cat was like this, I looked like I was into self harming, but didnt know as much about cats then, so just lived with it, but there could be a medical reason for it.
Please spay your cat

Offline lilly_kitt

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Very Aggressive Cat
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2008, 19:19:32 PM »

We have a two year old rescue cat called Blade, he was found with his sisters in a hedge and we had him from 9 weeks old.  The problem is that he is very very aggressive, he can be just sat on the floor and i'll be sat on the settee and he will literally launch himself at my arms and you have to really struggle to get him off.  He attacks my husband when he is sat on his lap to the point that he cant put his arms anywhere near him.  I love him to bits but we're thinking of starting a family next year and I dread to think what he would be like with a baby around..


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