After saying that I was closed whilst I reduce my numbers, I could not refuse these three little babes. They were found by a lovely lady on her way to work who heard cries coming from a piece of waste ground inbetween two houses where a house has been demolished some years previously. The waste ground is overgrown and fenced off from the road, so someone had to go to some effort to put them there.
The poor babies were in an open cardboard box so obviously just left to die. It rained last night and this morning and the poor little ones were very cold.
They are now in my small intensive care unit, with a snugglekitty and have taken their first feed very well. There is a grey, a grey and white and a small little black one, the black one only weighs 185g. Will hopefully post photos later.
How can people be so evil to just dump them in such a place - there is no need in this day and age.